Please Note: This is the first time I’ve used ‘name calling’. This is something I’ve avoided since the attacks and name calling began against me- but, people who attack other’s families deserve no less in my opinion…. I’ll never forget the moment I told Dave Vasey that I knew about his connection to Macdonald Stainsby. …
Tag: Occupy Toronto
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Mar 12
Alex Hundert Confesses His Crimes!
Thank you Alex! This information is going to your probation officer in the morning! You made it so easy for me, you’re amazing!
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Mar 09
A Discussion on the Influence of George Soros & The TIDES Foundation
I got into a heated debate with an ally of Dave Vasey and Taylor Flook today on the “Occupy Is An Inside Job” page on Facebook. It began with the usual slander and hate- I’ll leave that part out right now as it has been resolved, and I’m sure you don’t need to see any …
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Mar 09
A Letter to the People Who Led The Lynch Mob Against Me
Below is a copy of an email I sent this morning to: Dave Vasey, Taylor Flook & Rob Chamberland: _________________________________________________ Hi, What happened on Wednesday was a disgrace to our movement. The three of you were key in orchestrating this, and I expect you to take responsibly for your actions and set things straight before this all goes …
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