Today I start the first of a series of articles called “Liars, Damned Liars &…” where I will be chronicling stories of people who have issues with being honest. As anyone who has been near them can attest- lefty politics can be dirty and downright nasty as it gets. If Richard Nixon was alive to watch what …
Tag: Occupy Toronto
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Jun 06
Report From Tonight’s Casseroles March At Toronto’s George Brown College!
I like George Brown college. I lectured there about the Occupy movement a couple of months ago- the students were smart, inquisitive, and turned on to the issues of social activism. So, when I heard they were having their first Caserolle March, I ran out of the house to cover tonight’s event!
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Jun 01
Time For Occupy Toronto’s Activistocrats To Crawl Back Into The Tar Sands…
For a big city (by Canadian standards) Toronto is definitely a small town at times. I’ve randomly run into a few Occupiers over the past couple of weeks while walking down the street and have had the opportunity to get some of the inside scoop on what is happening these days…
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