Occupy Toronto & Occupy Vancouver have fallen into a collective psychosis. Every time someone who disagrees with them speaks-out they are almost invariably accused of being a cop, working for CSIS (Canada’s version of MI5), or being a paid agitator. I know one Occupier who has been accused of working for at least eleven different agencies! …
Tag: Occupy Toronto
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/03/this-guy-works-for-csis/
Jul 01
The NDP Vampire Union Squid That Ate Occupy’s Soul…
There is a lot of debate on whether the Canadian Occupy movement was organic, or if it was a construct of the unions. personally, I believe it is a bit of each. It is the unions who put a lot of funding, and who sent a lot of the people who put it together. But, …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/01/the-ndp-vampire-union-squid-that-ate-occupys-soul/
Jun 25
Alex Hundert Is Going To Jail Tomorrow
Before anyone decides to canonize Alex tomorrow, I thought I’d post this I recorded the night he tried to block me from accessing an Occupy Toronto general assembly. I believe his saying “I don’t give a f##k about the law” says it all. He’s a criminal- pure & simple…
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/06/25/alex-hundert-is-going-to-jail-tomorrow/
Jun 23
A Letter To The Archbishop Of Toronto About My Incidents With Maggie Helwig
You may remember I wrote a letter to Archbishop Hiltz of the Canadian Anglican church after Maggie Helwig tried to bully and get me to leave her church. I received a call from the Archbishop’s office a couple of weeks later, asking me if it was acceptable that they forward this matter to Colin Johnson, …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/06/23/6448/
Jun 13
Today’s Toronto Casseroles- A Deflated Soufflé
I’ve just come back from Toronto’s casseroles march tonight- it was a beautiful evening for it, lovely weather. I Ieft early, at about 8:30- there were only about 125-150 people there at the time. This is a far-cry from the 600 who turned-up last week, and the 3,000 who showed-up the week before. It seems …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/06/13/todays-toronto-casseroles-a-deflated-souffle/