I could write an explanation, but the video says so much more- have a look!
Tag: Occupy Movement
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May 22
What’s Going Wrong With The Student Fee Protests?
It was another beautiful day for a demonstration- the sun was shining and was mercifully accompanied by a cool soothing breeze. Spirits were high when I arrived on the scene. There was a small contingent of police- less than usual, I’m guessing this was related to Prince Charles’ visit…
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May 22
Live: Toronto Student Fee (and anti-police) March
About 125 people are marching right now on behalf of the student fee movement. Unfortunately, it has been hijacked by anarchists chanting about using guns on the police. There was a small altercation between the police and a couple of Black Bloc, but nobody was arrested. And, quite flatteringly, members of the Bloc had their …
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May 21
An Open Letter To Thomas Mulcair
Dear Mr. Mulcair, You have a big problem on your hands, as does the rest of the country. True, every political party has its loonies- but, the NDP’s crazies are a danger to our country…
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