The Enbridge pipeline is a hot topic these days. Like most big issues, it is representative of the divide between Canada’s left and right. The left are against the pipeline due to environmental concerns, and the right have been promoting the pipeline because of its economic benefits. As usual with the left/right paradigm, the debate has become …
Tag: Occupy Movement
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Jul 25
Dark Knight Rises: View From An Occupy Dissident…
I went to see The Dark Knight with a friend, and another former Occupier analyst last night. Patrick Ross suggested I go see the movie and write a review from the perspective of an Occupy Dissident. I’m glad I did, the movie was great- it was entertaining, and had great special effects. It wasn’t …
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Jul 15
Talking About the Casseroles On The Roy Green Radio Show Today!
I called into the nationally syndicated Roy Green show today on the Corus radio network. Catherine Swift was on from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. I shared my thoughts on how the Casseroles have been gradually hijacked by the Marxists & Anarchists. To my (happy) surprise, Swift agreed with me entirely! She then goes on …
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Jul 05
A Letter To Sakura Saunders- You Disgust Me!
Dear Sakura, I’ve been disappointed with you since you first started telling lies about me– but, that I can handle. I understand how people inside of your cult can’t help yourselves when you have been criticised. But, it was sad to see how you and your friends killed the soul of Occupy Toronto… I was …
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