Tag: Occupy Movement
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Apr 30
How To Start A Fake Revolution! The parallels in this theory with what has happened inside the Occupy movement are unnerving. But you know what is more unnerving? Having a look at the logos used by OPTOR in some of their colour revolutions!
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Apr 28
Compare This Guy’s Work To… …Dave Vasey’s traffic blocking exercise from yesterday…
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Apr 26
If There Is Violence On May 1st- Blame These People…
This list reads like a who’s who of the International Socialists! Is this why they would be foolish enough to add their support to a dodgy event being sponsored by No One Is Illegal? After all, NoII is one of the most pro Black Bloc organizations in the country- isn’t it?
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Apr 25
It’s Stuff Like This That Makes Me Worry About May 1st…
This explains why Krusty Krystalline Kraus has been making-up lies about me- seems she is another one of Judy Rebick’s friends who likes to promote Black Block idiocy…
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