Tag: No One Is Illegal

[UPDATED] Anarchists, Unionists, Mennonites & Porter Airlines Strikers: It’s About Israel, Stupid! (feat. Barrick Gold)

Update: Shortly after I published this article I found a meeting has been announced at OISE on Friday protesting the Jewish National Fund- here’s the link. Update 2: It appears that Porter Airlines is now suing COPE… Update 3: Two days after publishing this article Megan Kinch of the anarchist-led Media Co-Op publishes a very …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/04/16/anarchists-unionists-mennonites-porter-airlines-strikers-its-about-israel-stupid-feat-donald-carty-barrick-gold/

Derek Soberal: The Infamous Cop-Baiter Who Thinks He’s An Accredited Journalist (feat. Doug Hatlem Johnson)

For lovers of bedlam, there’s no shortage of entertainment to be seen in the activist community- sometimes there are more clowns to than you can shake a stick at. But, of all the idiocy to be observed, few individuals stand-out as much as Derek Soberal. And it’s hard to miss Derek, if there’s a TV camera …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/04/13/derek-soberal-the-infamous-cop-baiter-who-thinks-hes-a-journalist-feat-doug-hatlem-johnson/

A Preview of Tomorrow’s Story (Which will include a deadly weapon and an OCAP member)


Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/03/08/a-preview-of-tomorrows-story-which-will-include-a-deadly-weapon-and-an-ocap-member/

Sisters In Spirit: Are There Really 600 Missing Native Women? (feat. Libby Davies, David Eby & Iran)

A report came out on Saturday on CBC Radio’s The House that called to question the actual number of missing and murdered indigenous women in Canada. The current (mostly) accepted number, approximately 600, is based on a report created in 2010 by the Native Women’s Association of Canada. The NWAC was commissioned and funded to …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/02/18/sisters-in-spirit-are-there-really-600-missing-native-women-feat-libby-davies-david-eby-iran/

OCAP Gets Its Stupid On At City Hall! (feat. No One Is Illegal, Toronto School Board & Gaétan Héroux)

Yesterday was a very interesting one for Toronto’s City Hall. Shortly after noon a group of people from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty setup camp in front of the mayor’s office to protest the city’s policy on shelters. It was a planned event, OCAP had booked space in the neighbouring Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/02/16/ocap-gets-its-stupid-on-at-city-hall-feat-no-one-is-illegal-toronto-district-school-board/

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