UPDATE: The Media Co-Op has removed Trish Mills’ story from their website. A cached version is available here. A group of people have occupied a pipeline pumping station today. Enbridge has put in an application to reverse the flow of “Line 9” from the current east-to-west, to carry oil from west-to-east. The protesters are concerned …
Tag: No One Is Illegal
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/06/20/the-occupy-toronto-anarchists-behind-the-scene-at-the-enbridge-pumping-station-occupation/
Jun 11
The Globe & Mail Falls Hook, Line & Sinker For Iranian TV’s Anti-Canadian Fish Story (feat. Patricia Kelly & PressTV)
Last July PressTV broadcast what was undoubtedly their greatest ever fish story. Being a propaganda arm of the Iranian government they’ve told a lot of whoppers. This story is no different that way, but it does have an amusing twist. It actually involves fish- documenting the perils faced by Patricia Kelly as she battled for …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/06/11/the-globe-mail-falls-hook-line-sinker-for-iranian-tvs-anti-canadian-fish-story-feat-patricia-kelly-presstv/
Jun 02
Iranian PressTV Broadcasts Homophobic Anti-Harper Hate Smears (feat. Joshua Blakeney)
Joshua Blakeney is one of the most disturbing journalists in Canada. On the one hand he comes across as harmless, a babbling idiot who publishes stories worthy of the National Enquirer. Most people don’t believe his fish stories, it’s hard to take them seriously when peppered with stupidity. My favourite was the one that said the …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/06/02/iranian-presstv-live-broadcasts-homophobic-anti-harper-hate-speech-feat-joshua-blakeney/
May 27
MediaWatch: Rabble’s Krystalline Kraus Misleads The Public On Renaming Of A Vancouver Island Park…
I was reading Rabble.ca on Thursday (I read it so you don’t have to) when I came across an interesting article by Krystalline Kraus. As my regular readers will already know, Krause is far from being a reliable journalist- often it seems she writes more lies than truth. My favourite example of her ineptitude was …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/05/27/mediawatch-rabbles-krystalline-kraus-misleads-the-public-on-renaming-of-a-vancouver-island-park/
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/05/03/may-day-mayhem-part-i-how-militant-anarchists-are-threatening-our-freedom-feat-toronto-vancouver-montreal/