Tag: NDP

Maidan In Canada Part I: NGOs, Ukrainian Revolutionaries, Bulletproof Vests & Ontario’s Top Politicians

Introduction: When Ukraine’s Orange Revolution flared up in 2004, it was quickly alleged that many local grassroots organizers were supported by US backed civil society organizations. Groups including the US State Department’s USAid and George Soros’ Open Society Institute helped provide money and expertise to local activists for “democracy building” activities to local NGOs. A new …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/03/11/maidan-in-canada-part-i-ngos-ukrainian-revolutionaries-bulletproof-vests-queens-park-politicians/

7 Reasons The NDP Is Creepier Than You Think (Feat. Mulcair, Davies (x2), Eby & Layton)

Introduction: NDP anarchist front group Shit Harper Did (SHD) launched a dirty tricks campaign against the Conservative government recently, going all Stephanie Guthrie on their ass labelling them as ‘creepy’. So far most of the content hasn’t proven the Cons are creepy (the above cookie is one example), but they do provide 7 pages that …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/02/27/creep/

Union/NDP Front Group Slaps Harper With Teleportation Con-Artist! (Feat. Operation Maple)

Have you ever wondered to yourself how deep Canada’s public service unions are willing to sink into depravity in their quest attack Stephen Harper? If so then today is your lucky day- after three years of tracking and reporting on anarcho-syndicalist bedlam, Your Humble Narrator has identified an example so absurdly dark and idiotic it would …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/02/18/unionndp-front-group-slaps-harper-with-teleportation-con-artist-feat-operation-maple/

[Updated] DFATD Grant Used To Honour (Cop-Hating?) Anarchist Fanatic (Feat. Linda Duncan MP & Chelsea Flook)

Update: This article originally labelled the picture of the person feeding the fire as Chelsea Flook of the Sierra Club. She has written to deny this, apologies for the error. Flook did, however, promote the event. Flook has also mentioned that she has left the Sierra Club as of September 30th, 2013- they really need …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/02/02/daftd-grant-used-to-honour-cop-hating-anarchist-firebug-feat-linda-duncan-mp-chelsea-flook/

Idle No More Unmasked Part III: Let’s Follow The Money! (Feat. David Eby, Neil Young & Hollyhock)

Introduction: In Part I of this series we explored the David Suzuki Foundation’s involvement with Idle No More and how they neglected to disclose their stakeholder status in their letters to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. In Part II, we looked into the background of INM’s webmaster and his connections to a global “revolution industry” that …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/01/07/idle-no-more-unmasked-part-iii-lets-follow-the-money-feat-tides-david-eby-neil-young-hollyhock/

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