Tag: Kevin Annett

Alfred Webre Aligns Himself With An Incarcerated Criminal And Violent Black Bloc Thugs!

You can tell a man’s integrity by how he handles things when he has been exposed making a mistake. Alfred Webre made the mistake of partnering with Kevin Annett, and he wasn’t very happy when I exposed that to the world. So, rather than take the honourable route and apologise for his mistake, Webre has …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/16/alfred-webre-aligns-himself-with-an-incarcerated-criminal-and-violent-black-bloc-thugs/

Kevin Annett, Jason Bowman & Alfred Webre- Let The Weasel Fights Begin!

I checked-out Alfred Webre’s Facebook page today and found some rather interesting stuff! As my regular readers know, Annett, Bowman & Webre have been rather unhappy with me since I exposed the fact they were not telling the truth about the lawsuit Annett & Bowman claimed to have filed. They are backed into a corner- …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/15/kevin-annett-jason-bowman-alfred-webre-let-the-weasel-fights-begin/

An Analysis Of Kevin Annett’s & Jason Bowman’s Fake Court Documents! (feat. Alfred Webre!)

  Okay, so it has already been proven that Kevin Annett & Jason Bowman are lying about having filed a court case. So, what was their response? Well, they decided to ignore this evidence and try to laugh-off the fact that they had been busted. Nice try guys, but no cigar- the onus of evidence …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/15/an-analysis-of-kevin-annetts-jason-bowmans-fake-court-documents-feat-alfred-webre/

Alfred Lambremont Webre III Goes Down On The Kevin Annett Titanic!

Alfred Webre came onto Facebook today and posted links to documents he claims prove Kevin Annett & Jason Bowman filed a court case. Webre is an interesting character who believes things like that Barrack Obama is an Alien from Mars. So, we really shouldn’t take this guy too seriously of course. Basically, he’s your bog-standard nutbar.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/14/alfred-lambremont-webre-iii-goes-down-on-the-kevin-annett-titanic/

Pssst- Wanna Invest In A New Age Electricity Producing Breakthrough? (feat. Doreen Agostino)

One of the most interesting things about going to Kevin Annett & Jason Bowman’s press conference was how it opened my eyes up to a whole new world of frauds, con-artists, and new-age snake oil peddlers. I’m going to have enough content to fill my column for weeks!

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/14/pssst-wanna-invest-in-a-new-age-electricity-producing-breakthrough-feat-doreen-agostino/

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