There’s been a lot of debate about eco-terrorism this past week. It all came out of an RCMP report that was released on a freedom of information request. Greenpeace was mentioned in this report, and they fought back against it this week– albeit poorly. As usual with the left-right paradigm- both sides of the argument …
Tag: George Soros
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Jul 29
Pipeline Politics And The Danger Of Unintended Consequences…
The Enbridge pipeline is a hot topic these days. Like most big issues, it is representative of the divide between Canada’s left and right. The left are against the pipeline due to environmental concerns, and the right have been promoting the pipeline because of its economic benefits. As usual with the left/right paradigm, the debate has become …
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Jul 01
The NDP Vampire Union Squid That Ate Occupy’s Soul…
There is a lot of debate on whether the Canadian Occupy movement was organic, or if it was a construct of the unions. personally, I believe it is a bit of each. It is the unions who put a lot of funding, and who sent a lot of the people who put it together. But, …
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Jun 30
Who Is Sasha Wiley-Shaw And What Is Her Agenda?
The shenanigans at Vancouver’s Casseroles Gone Stupid march are no coincidence- we aren’t talking about an innocent young teacher who was randomly attacked by the police. The real story is about a group of politically connected professional activists who were out to create a media storm. This is a group of people with deep connections to …
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Jun 28
A Tribute To Vivian Krause…
Vivian Kraus’ work helped open my eyes to the issues of George Soros and the TIDES Foundations’ extraordinary impact on Canadian politics. Vancouver has been overrun by he TIDES Foundation, they provided the majority of funding for the Mayor- and other political hacks like David Eby. And, a great number of people involved in the …
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