One of the more interesting things about the W2 Media Centre is the imbalance between events focussed on media, and the number of parties and social events. Have a look at this screenshot from the events calendar on their website:
Tag: Downtown Eastside
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May 09
Occupy Toronto And The DTES FauxHawk’s Sacred Fire! (Featuring Harsha Walia & David Eby!)
One of my more memorable moments at Occupy Vancouver was the day when two indigenous men from Vancouver’s Downtown East Side (DTES) lit a ‘sacred’ fire in the middle of our camp. I didn’t know it at the time, but both these men had a long history working with Harsha Walia & No One Is …
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Apr 25
Naomi Klein Fights For The Needs Of Vancouver’s DTES Drug Dealers & Poverty Pimps!
One of the more interesting events I attended in Vancouver was the Occupy Condos event led by Harsha Walia. I have, for months, been quite confused by this event. It was only recently what it has begun to make sense to me…
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Feb 29
BullyWatch: Letter I wrote to Dave Vasey this morning
Dave, Last night I went home with tears in my eyes. It must have been looked quite obvious, because a woman who didn’t know me stopped and asked if I was okay. It was after 10pm and we were on the subway, quite an unusual situation. I got home, cried some more, and started working …
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Feb 08
Welcome Media Co-Op Readers! (Do they receive Government Funding?)
It appears that Media Co-Op has linked to my site! This organization is one of Canada’s foremost producer of violence inciting media. Something to be proud of! (if you are a Black Bloc terrorist…) Media Co-Op is most famous for filming Harsha Walia’s racist & sexist hate video a filmed at Irwin Oostende’s rave club/media …
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