In 1970 it was exposed that two companies polluted Ontario’s English-Wabigoon water system with methyl mercury- a substance they used to create caustic soda and chlorine for pulp mills. With an abundance of hydro electricity the most cost effective option was to use mercury based solution- despite the availability of other technologies. The people of …
Tag: Dave Vasey
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Aug 20
[UPDATED] Ontario Common Front: Where Unions, Activists & Anarchists Converge…
Update/Correction: Dan Beaudoin is not a member of the Indignants, but is very close with them. The Ontario Common Front describes itself as “a coalition of over 90 community groups and labour unions that represent millions of Ontarians”. Looking at their list of endorsing organizations one will see many Ontario unions- but, also, some of …
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Aug 16
Ezra Levant Pummels Swamp Line 9 Protesters At Hamilton Court Protest!
The protesters who occupied the Line 9 pumping station in Westover had their first day in court on Wednesday. To celebrate, they and their allies arranged a pre-court protest. A motley crew of anarchists, rabble rousers, and useful idiots showed up- and, as expected, they seriously went off the rails. What was billed as a …
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Aug 15
The Sierra Club, Polaris Institute, NDP & Green Party’s Co-Optation Of Grassroots Movements…
Heather Martin has done a lot of great work helping to expose Kevin Annett’s con-artistry on her blog StopKevinAnnett. Her research has been meticulous, and she takes an incredibly even handed approach to her stories. I’ve learned a lot from Heather, and continue to do so. Yesterday she published what I think is her best …
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Aug 12
[UPDATED] Sierra Club Executive Chelsea Flook Shares An Anarchist “CUPE Joke”
UPDATE: One of the two people in this picture was originally identfied as Taylor Flook, who has written to me to say it wasn’t her. I am currently waiting for comment from her on who the other person is alleged to be… ______________________ If you’ve been following Your Humble Narrator’s stories about the elite clique of …
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