This is quite possibly the most important story I’ve ever written… Here’s an interesting video from 1969- just before the NDP convention, with a group of politicos self-identified as The Waffle. Notice the participants include (associate of Judy Rebick) Ed Broadbent, and a union leader! One can sense here the ‘usual suspects’ behind the Canadian …
Tag: Dave Vasey
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Apr 27
Dave Vasey & Crowd Pissing Off the 99%!
Dave couldn’t have done a better job hurting the Occupy Name if he tried…
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Apr 27
Is York Professor David McNally (Former Head of the International Socialists) a Black Bloc Ringleader?
Remember I questioned how curious it was for the CBC to be using a professor from the ultra-radical York University as an expert on Black Bloc during the G20? Well, it seems my Spidey senses were right…
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Apr 20
Some Advice for People Attending Occupy Toronto’s “Activist Training Weekend” If you have a chance, please make sure you watch this video before you head off to the Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyist Steelworker’s hall this weekend, it may be valuable to use some of your time to watch this video first. Remember, if anything doesn’t make sense, make sure you ask questions! You may also want to …
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