Two weekends ago members of Occupy Toronto gathered on the campus of Ryerson University for an 80 hour (dodgy) fundraiser, hoping to collect money to pay for the costs of operating their wireless data connection. Their event quickly degraded into a violent, racist and anti-Semitic hate fest. Later, after their fiasco became a national news …
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Jul 22
The Threats Continue… (feat. Cameron Monkman, Jeremy Oliver, CUPE & Stephen Harper)
Writing about the radical left can be a dangerous business. I’ve already been violently assaulted, smashed over the head with an anarchist’s flagpole- and, have been threatened too many times to count. Today the threats continue- only, in the form of a poorly done rap song by a young man who has about as much …
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May 06
How The President Of The CUPE 2073 Is A Danger To Society (feat. Rob Chamberland & A Voice For Men)
Rob Chamberland is the president of the CUPE 2073, a Toronto based local for people who are hearing impaired. He’s an Anarcho-Syndicalist, a branch of anarchism/socialism that believes the future demands a violent revolution after which we should all be led by the unions. For most Canadians, this is the stuff that nightmares are made of. One …
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