One of the things about the Truth movement that confounds me the most is how many of it’s members have taken a liking to PressTV. High-profile ‘truthers’ like Webster Tarpley, Alfred Webre, and wingnuts like Professor Anthony Hall & Joshua Blakeney have all had multiple appearances on PressTV. Considering PressTV is the propaganda wing of …
Tag: Canada
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Aug 14
MediaWatch: Grouchy Garossino’s Logical Fallacy Folly
I first encountered Sandy Garossino on Twitter when I found her taking a personal attack on someone in defence of the TIDES Foundation: The funny thing is about this posting that it was Garossino who brought the word ‘terrorist’ into the conversation- the other people involved hadn’t. I thought this was strange, and it …
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Aug 10
MediaWatch: Professor Anthony James Hall & The Stó:lō Fish Story
So, the Stó:lō fish story continues- this time on the PressTV supported publication Veterans Today. Anthony James Hall, a professor at the University of Lethbridge, writes for Veterans Today, and has often appeared on PressTV- both publications have been backing the Stó:lō fish story. The big question I’ve been wondering is why has a government owned Iranian …
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Aug 08
Kevin Annett: A Modern Abuser Of Residential School Survivors…
I’ve been doing some more research on Kevin Annett and have found what is quite likely the most disturbing story anyone will ever hear about him. I’ve written before about how Annett has slandered indigenous elders like Jan Longboat, which is bad enough- but, today’s story is about how Annett slandered one of Canada’s most …
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Aug 08
MediaWatch: Success! PressTV’s Joshua Blakeney Gets Real!
You may remember a couple of weeks ago when I published my MediaWatch story PressTV’s Joshua Blakeney Gets The Casseroles Wrong!, where I exposed how Blakeney was telling a mistruth about the Quebec student strikes not asking for free tuition. Well, it appears that MediaWatch has had a success- Blakeney has now changed his tune!
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