There is some exciting news coming-up on the Occupy documentary front. The Occupation Documentary is being premièred in Vancouver on October 15th. The film was made by Rafferty Baker and Matthew J. Van Deventer, two BCIT journalism students who were present (with video camera) every day at Occupy Vancouver. If something significant happened at Occupy Vancouver, they probably got …
Tag: Canada
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Oct 03
How I’m Learning To Love The Parti Québécois…
I haven’t thought much of the Parti Québécois (PQ) until the few weeks. I knew about their main platform about sovereignty for Quebec- and, personally, I don’t back that. Regardless of the inequities between the benefits given to residents of Quebec, I’d still like to see it as a part of Canada. But, since the recent …
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Sep 30
Video: The Tragically Hip Play Impromptu Concert At Toronto’s Kensington Market!
Today was an utterly fantastic day. It started-off with a trip to the Evergreen Brick Works, a beautiful place to spend a fall afternoon, and a place I won’t forget for a long time. Then, on my way home, I stopped at Kensington Market to catch-up with some friends. Just as I arrived, I was …
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Sep 30
City Of Toronto Schmucks It Up- Uproots Vegetable Garden One Day Before Harvest…
One of the best moments in Occupy Toronto’s history was on May 1st. About 30-40 Occupiers showed-up at Queen’s Park, behind the Ontario Legislature, and ‘peasfully’ planted a communal vegetable garden that day. The Toronto police were very well-restrained, they stood back quietly while Occupiers poured out the soil and planted the seeds. When it …
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