Dear Peter Wrinch, Today I read an article on your web page about Harm Reduction. It was curious to see it was written by Fathima Cader. It took me a few moments until I realized where I knew her name from. Then it dawned on me- this woman has done enormous harm to me…
Tag: Black Bloc
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Jun 06
Report From Tonight’s Casseroles March At Toronto’s George Brown College!
I like George Brown college. I lectured there about the Occupy movement a couple of months ago- the students were smart, inquisitive, and turned on to the issues of social activism. So, when I heard they were having their first Caserolle March, I ran out of the house to cover tonight’s event!
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Jun 02
CUPE Members! (and others) Write The Union And Ask Them To Stop Supporting Violent Thugs!
This is a video from San Francisco, but notice how the chants being used are the same as here in Toronto? This is the sort of violence that Ashleigh Ingle, teacher to Toronto’s 1% & CUPE leader is encouraging when she marches her gang of rabid animals across the city. And the same violence that Harsha Walia promotes …
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Jun 01
Great Find By UndercoverKitty On The Canadian Federation of Students & Quebec’s Bill 78!
One of my favourite student blogs is UndercoverKitty– if you want to be kept up-to-date on the antics of Canada’s pro-Marxist student unions, this is the blog to follow… In today’s posting UndercoverKitty uncovers the CFS encouraging students to go out and break the law! There’s also mention of their connections with Black Bloc, our …
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