Update: More details debunking this (sick) myth can be found on Heather Martin’s website here. There’s a new, sick, hoax going around about Canada’s Indian residential schools. The story is that an “unmarked mass grave” was discovered at the site of a former United Church of Canada residential school in Port Alberni, BC. Some genius …
Tag: Alfred Webre
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/06/16/port-alberni-residential-school-mass-grave-is-another-sick-hoax-feat-kevin-annett/
Apr 21
Kevin Annett Over-Celebrates 4/20, Declares He’s Dissolved the Catholic Church! (Feat. Henry Makow)
In a week where the world has been captivated by the intersection of the earth and the moon, there’s been another intersection this week. Sunday was not only the Christian holiday of Easter, but it was also 4/20- a date when marijuana enthusiasts around the world gather to light-up a joint at 4:20pm. Tens of …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/04/21/kevin-annett-over-celebrates-420-declares-hes-dissolved-the-catholic-church-feat-henry-makow/
Apr 08
Kevin Annett Bedazzles South Dakota Hicks! (Feat. Eugene Richard Hidalgo & The Antichrist!)
Twenty-five months have passed since Your Humble Narrator began debunking Kevin Annett’s con-artistry- and, albeit slowly, the truth about his misdeeds has spread to all corners of the globe (well, over 125 countries so far). There was a time, at the height of his fraud, when Annett lived a high-flying lifestyle: Dublin, London, Amsterdam, Rome. …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/04/08/kevin-annett-bedazzles-south-dakota-hicks-feat-eugene-richard-hidalgo-the-antichrist/
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/02/18/unionndp-front-group-slaps-harper-with-teleportation-con-artist-feat-operation-maple/
Nov 01
MediaWatch: Alex Jones Miserably Fails The Kevin Annett Litmus Test®
I was doing some research, watching a video of Kevin Annett being interviewed by Alex Jones a couple of days ago. I always knew Jones had a reputation for being off-the-wall, so I thought I’d use this interview for testing that theory- Annett is a bit of a litmus test for the media. It’s always …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/11/01/mediawatch-alex-jones-miserably-fails-the-kevin-annett-litmus-test/