A group of the usual suspects occupied an Enbridge construction site in north Toronto today. Protesting the Line 9 reversal project, the protesters claimed that Enbridge was jumping the gun on construction. Enbridge claims this was a maintenance project- something anti-pipeline protesters often complain the company doesn’t do enough of. Are we confused yet? …
Tag: Alex Hundert
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/12/03/yawn-another-line-9-pipeline-occupation-feat-the-usual-suspects/
Nov 26
The Vancouver Observer’s NEB “Spying” Story Was A Shameless Deception (Feat. Elizabeth May & Joyce Murray)
Last week the Vancouver Observer published a scare story criticising the Harper government’s extensive spying on anti-oilsands groups. The writer explained that the “federal government” (wait, I thought it was Harper?) has been “vigorously spying” on anti oil sands activists and organizations across the country. Adding some fuel to the fire, they also hinted at a …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/11/26/the-vancouver-observers-neb-spying-story-was-a-shameless-deception-feat-elizabeth-may-joyce-murray/
Sep 23
CUPE Assists OCAP Lawbreakers In Their Stupidest Protest Ever! (feat. Alex Hundert)
Events led by the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty always make for an exciting story, yesterday’s housing protest was no exception. The fun began at Alan Gardens park where OCAP members bribed about 200 useful idiots to show up with food, free bus tokens and a license to create mayhem on the streets of Toronto. It …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/09/23/cupe-assists-ocap-lawbreakers-in-stupidest-protest-ever-feat-alex-hundert/
Aug 20
[UPDATED] Ontario Common Front: Where Unions, Activists & Anarchists Converge…
Update/Correction: Dan Beaudoin is not a member of the Indignants, but is very close with them. The Ontario Common Front describes itself as “a coalition of over 90 community groups and labour unions that represent millions of Ontarians”. Looking at their list of endorsing organizations one will see many Ontario unions- but, also, some of …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/20/ontario-common-front-where-unions-intersect-with-activists-anarchists-feat-the-indignants/
Aug 12
[UPDATED] Sierra Club Executive Chelsea Flook Shares An Anarchist “CUPE Joke”
UPDATE: One of the two people in this picture was originally identfied as Taylor Flook, who has written to me to say it wasn’t her. I am currently waiting for comment from her on who the other person is alleged to be… ______________________ If you’ve been following Your Humble Narrator’s stories about the elite clique of …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/12/sierra-club-executive-chelsea-flook-shares-another-anarchist-cupe-joke/