One of the greatest challenges for radical environmentalists can be explained with the idiom “the left eats its own.” I saw this first hand during Occupy where radical-left activists tore each other apart, often for minor violations of political correctness or other perceived transgressions of lefty code. Readers who harbour fears that Naomi Klein’s revolution …
Tag: Activism
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Jun 19
RCMP Tracked Extremist Attends TIDES Canada Funded “Indigenous Knowledge” Huckster Camp (Feat. Clayton Thomas-Muller)
In late February TIDES Canada President & CEO Ross McMillan wrote an angry letter to the RCMP. McMillan was upset by the release of an RCMP document obtained by Montreal’s La Presse analysing risks to Canada’s energy industry. TIDES was named for their connection to anti-energy protests, the document also identified the RCMP’s “most urgent” perceived threat …
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May 19
May Day Violence: Assault Charges Laid, More Thugs Identified! (Feat. Harsha Walia & Jakub Markiewicz)
In our last story about the Vancouver’s May Day celebrations we covered the violence that occurred when a group of thugs got into a clash with the police on Commercial Drive. The mayhem started when the thugs opened their “dance party” on the street, Vancouver Police told the crowd to stay off of the street but …
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May 05
May Day Violence In Vancouver! (Feat. Dan Wallace, Shirley Samples, Green Party, NDP)
Vancouver’s May Day celebrations have had a history of violence over recent years. Things started to heat up in 2013 when Vancouver Police allowed a group of masked thugs to march through downtown with flaming torches and swarming the entrance to the PIDGIN restaurant- a couple of days later anarchists burned down and East Vancouver …
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Nov 10
#BurnabyMountain Unmasked Part I: Is It Safe To Send Your Kids To SFU? (Feat. Vancouver Observer)
After several weeks being subjected to protests, harassment, and alleged assault; Kinder Morgan took action last Friday and served a group of Burnaby, BC protesters with a lawsuit. The company claims protesters have caused $5.8 million damage. That sounds like a lot of money, defendants and their supporters have complained it’s outrageous- simultaneously ignoring KM’s lost …
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