Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
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[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

Former TPS social media consultant Paisley Rae (left) with Shelley Carroll
Last July an officer in the Toronto Police Service shot and killed 44-year-old South Sudanese immigrant Andrew Loku inside of his apartment building. A few days later a group of anti-cop protestors organized a protest under the banner of #BlackLivesMatter Toronto. The protesters gathered and blocked the intersection of Allen Road at Eglinton Avenue interrupting the journies of 100’s of Torontonians driving and using public transit.
BLMT used the blockade as a way to get extra attention for their group, demanding that the officer who shot Loku faced criminal charges. It was long before any of the details were known about the shooting, but facts were less important to the group then public attention. A survey conducted after the protest indicates a higher percentage of Torontonians learned about BLMT that day than about Andrew Loku.
Loku was only 2 meters away from the officer, charging at him with a hammer and yelling out “What you gonna do, come on, shoot me”.On Friday Ontario’s police watchdog Special Investigations Unit determined that the officer didn’t do anything wrong. BLMT has responded as their petulant selves, announcing a protest starting at 6pm in front of City Hall at Nathan Phillips Hall. The protest is being promoted by the usual gang including a violent convicted G20 organizer, an ethically challenged Toronto Star/Canadaland/Newstalk 1010 contributor, and a member of the Toronto Police Board.
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Toronto city councillor Mike Layton with Alejandra Ruiz Vargas of ACORN Canada
Anti-poverty group ACORN is one of the most ethically challenged social justice NGOs known to mankind. The group was originally conceived in the US and had close ties to the Democratic Party. They were a growing organization back in the day but this all changed in 2009 when James O’Keefe filmed undercover videos where they offered help as he played the role of a pimp trying to register his “underaged” prostitute to cheat the IRS. ACORN USA shut down the next year.
ACORN Canada claims that they’re an independent organization with no connections to their dirty cousins in the USA. They work closely the Canadian labour movement, including the First Nations abusers at Unifor, the child abuse advocates at OPSEU, the cop baiter allies at CUPW, and the Ontario Federation of Labour’s militant anarchist heavy Ontario Common Front. Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson is a known associate of ACORN USA founder Wade Rathke.

Wait, didn’t they say they were unrelated?
Being an anti-poverty NGO, it should come as no surprise that ACORN has an interest in the minimum wage. ACORN has complained that “Canada’s elected leadership has been disturbingly timid on the wage-raising front”. They’ve been actively working on the labour movement’s campaign to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour and to index it against inflation. Sounds good, right? Unfortunately, like many labour-backed social justice warriors and poverty pimps, ACORN Canada is yet another hypocritical “do as I say, not as I do” organization.
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Sue me Cathy!
Dear Catherine,
I’m glad you’re enjoying your trip to Washington DC. Canadian taxpayers should be proud to pay for your photo-op with President Obama. I noticed on the photograph you sent out that you copyrighted the picture- are you kidding, or do you actually think it’s ethical to spend Canadian’s money on a jolly down to the US and then tell us the photographs aren’t ours to use as we please?
As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve taken the picture and posted it at the top of this story. Yes, I’m breaking your copyright- think of it as an act of civil disobedience. I dare you Cathy, double dog dare you, send me a DMCA copyright notice and tell me to take the picture down. Even better than that, why not stop disrespecting Canadians by telling them what they paid for isn’t theirs.
P.S. I notice your copyright notice is only in French. I know you’re new at the job, but don’t you understand that as a government minister you’re required to produce it in both official languages?
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Greg Elliott: Innocent, but still getting screwed over
On January 22nd, Gregory Alan Elliott was found innocent of criminal harassment after a prolonged two-way disagreement with two politically connected social justice warriors. There were originally three complainants but the third, who had a working relationship with the Toronto Police Service’s social media team, was mysteriously withdrawn from the case just moments before she was scheduled to testify.
Elliott lost his job, his reputation was smeared by a gang of journalists closely related to the complainants, he fell deep into debt, and was forced to to cash-in a lifetime of savings he’d built up in his pension. Sadly, the injustice against Elliott continued long after he was found innocent. The smears continued in the media, including shameful coverage by the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star & NewsTalk 1010, and a shameful and defaming radio broadcast by an anti-bullying advocate. The complainant’s friends continue to gaslight and smear Elliott online to this day.
Unfortunately, despite having been found not guilty, Elliott’s reputation was further damaged by a mistake in the court’s final ruling- mistakenly attributing a homophobic tweet made by a Twitter account created to impersonate him. A hearing was held yesterday for the judge to correct the error. The results opened up new questions about the credibility of Ontario’s justice system- and Canada’s most widely read newspaper.
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Hello Kitty Kongzi on the stairs of Canadian Parliament
Back in 2010 former CSIS leader Richard Fadden warned Canadians that some of our politicians might be under the influence of foreign governments. Fadden explained how CSIS was concerned that cabinet ministers in two provincial governments and elected officials in three BC municipal governments might be at-risk. In particular, he warned about influence by China’s communist government.
Last year the Globe and Mail reported that CSIS had concerns about how Ontario Liberal cabinet minister Michael Chan “had developed too close a relationship with China’s consulate in Toronto.” The Globe explained how Chan had become a conduit to the Chinese community and about Canadian concerns that country has engaged in economic espionage. China denied this accusation, they’d never steal another other country’s ideas and patents- right?
Let me introduce you to Hello Kongzi, a rip-off of the famous Japanese character Hello Kitty- only, HK isn’t a cat, but a cutified image of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. On February 8th, Kongzi made a visit to the steps of Canada’s parliament for a soft power extravaganza in the form of a Chinese New Year flash mob. The event featured Canadian cadets, songs about wheat production & taking from Canada, and Liberal Environment & Climate Change minister Catherine McKenna.
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