Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

One of the most dishonourable people I’ve met through the Occupy movement (right up there with Dave Vasey, Sakura Saunders and Maggie Helwig) was an American who lives in Toronto named Doug Johnson Hatlem. If you were reading this site back in March you’ll remember him as the ‘street preacher’ who made-up a story that he had a 11-12 page (he had a hard time deciding) document about all of the reasons that I should be considered to be a sexist, racist misogynist enemy of the people . He never released this document- even when Min Reyes asked to have a look (they were working together on a project) he promptly denied. It turns out there never was one.
Hatlem is rabidly anti-police to the point of believing that the existence of a police force is an act of violence in itself. He’s also a Mennonite- people who (officially) preach non-violence. Unfortunately, he had no reservations being violent with his attempt to smear me with false allegations of racism and sexism. I always figured Hatlem was part of some religious extremist cult. I’ve also always wondered what connections there were between people like Hatlem, Saunders, Vasey & Helwig that would lead them to engage in group bullying as they did…
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Anglican Priest Maggie Helwig, and Zach Ruiter’s Crew…
Theoretically, if it was your intention to make a movement like Idle No More look bad- what would you do? Well, don’t worry, this isn’t a quiz, the answer has been provided to us (on a silver platter) by Zach Ruiter. Of all the Idle No More actions I’ve been to or read about, today’s event at the GE-Hitachi uranium pellet plant really takes the cake.
Yes, there were a few native people there- but, the sad reality is that there were more native flags than native people. The rest of the crowd were the ‘usual suspects’- Occupiers, anti-nuclear campaigners, Marxists and a rather impolite Anglican priest named Maggie Helwig. There’s no better way to explain how rediculous this protest was than to say that the most sensible seeming person in the group was Derek Soberal– yes, it was really that bad…
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Sid Ryan- An angry man with a PT Barnum approach to mathematics…
Last Saturday was the “Rally For Rights And Democracy” in Toronto. It was organized by the Ontario Federation of Labour- Sid Ryan was the major star of the day. The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) had a major presence, as did the Steelworkers, the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), teacher’s unions, and the notorious Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP).
Most of the people were decent folk, union members who flocked together to defend their (enviable) privilege. I come from a union family, so I can understand their motivations. But there was also a darker side to the crowd- what most observers of Ontario’s activist scene refer to as the ‘usual suspects. Needless to say, it was a recipe for a very wild ride…
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Anarchist Sakura Saunders and her husband (the guy who sells plastic trinkets)
One of the most prominent bullies I met through the Occupy movement was Sakura Saunders. She was part of a group of people there who followed the Ruckus Society manual’s section on ostracism and used bullying techniques to push-out people who disagreed with their anarchist tactics. In my case, Saunders helped dedicate an entire General Assembly to the cause. Unfortunately, for her, she was dumb enough to spout out a litany of outright lies about me on recorded video.
One of the issues that get’s Saunder’s venom brewing most is when people ask questions about the sources of her funding- particularly when people mention her connections to Soros/Open Society Institute linked organizations. Each time someone mentions this fact she goes ballistic. The lady doth protest too much methinks…
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Jason “Reacharound” Bowman (Neither native, nor a source of pride…)
Jason Bowman is a self-proclaimed ‘white saviour’. He first came to attention during the Kevin Annett fraud– when he and Annett made the (fraudulent) claim of filing a lawsuit against the Queen, the government and the Pope. Then there was Bowman’s infamous press conference where he asked me for a reacharound. Unfortunately for them, I was able to debunk their lies and prove that no case was filed.
At this point, the two of them broke up after Annett threw Bowman under a bus. This is where things got strange. Bowman ended up making allies with the people Annett defrauded at the Mohawk Workers. It’s strange, because only a few weeks before, Bowman was smearing Six Nations elders. It’s also quite curious how the people at the Mohawk Workers weren’t upset with Bowman for lying about filing a court case on their behalf.
Well, it seems that the Mohawk Workers are paying for this mistake. Jason Bowman’s offered them his services as a ‘citizen prosecutor’ and has failed them miserably. Bowman’s antics have not only put Mohawk Worker’s elder Bill Squire’s home at-risk, he’s also made the Mohawk Workers into a laughing stock with the Brantford city council…
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