Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

John Clarke from OCAP (The glowing eyes are mere coincidence…)
Yesterday was a very interesting one for Toronto’s City Hall. Shortly after noon a group of people from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty setup camp in front of the mayor’s office to protest the city’s policy on shelters. It was a planned event, OCAP had booked space in the neighbouring Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity (a haven for Toronto’s anarchist groups) just an hour before.
Selecting the mayor’s office was a smart choice of a location. It’s not only high-profile, but most of the major news networks have access to pre-installed wiring to connect their cameras to live feeds. Unfortunately, being OCAP, they made some dumb choices too. The most significant one being their decision to try and slander me while talking to those news cameras. And, wow, did it ever backfire on them!
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Kevin Annett was one of the worst disasters to hit Canada’s indigenous communities in the past 20 years. He’s a former United Church minister who was defrocked after losing his cool and refusing to meet with a church psychiatrist. Once he left the church he began his long-con- appropriating the voices of Indian Residential School survivors and using their stories to get naïve (or bad intentioned) people to support his crusade against the Pope, the Queen, and the governments of the world.
In 2011 Annett went to the Six Nations reserve in Brantford, Ontario and faked the discovery of a mass grave of residential school survivors. His fraud was exposed and he was publicly humiliated- even the Aboriginal People’s Television Network got involved, producing an in-depth report debunking him. Annett later lied about filing a court case against the Queen, the Pope, Harper & ‘Big Pharma’- he was quickly disproved.
How does one top faking a mass grave and a lawsuit against the Queen? Well, it seems that Annett has gone off the deep-end now, he announced yesterday that he was single-handedly responsible for the resignation of the Pope!
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Niger bloc utilus idotus excors a Montrealensi…
It’s no secret now that Canadian activist movements have a problem with violence. Every major activist event in the past few years has been stained by violent acts- the 2010 Olympics, G20, the student fees protests in Quebec. Yet, despite the fact such violence very few activists have dared to speak-out. People who have, like peace activist Derrick O’Keefe, have ended-up being publically slaughtered. I can attest to that fact, having been on the receiving end of the abuse after standing-up against violence in the Occupy movement.
There are many leaders in activist communities who have been actively promoting the use of violent tactics. Some of the more prominent pro-violence activists I’ve written about include Harsha Walia (who O’Keefe and I were harshly attacked by), Alex Hundert, Julian Ichim, and Franklin Lopez. Pro-violence activists preach a gospel that it’s not only acceptable, but necessary to achieve societal change.
It’s hard to guess these people’s intentions, that should be left to the courts. But we can look at the results of previous activist violence and quickly realize it’s only had negative results. We can also ask the question of what would motivate people to promote such unproductive behaviour- are they simply unable to comprehend reality, or are some people intentionally leading activists down a path of self-destruction?
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Except those who disagree with NoII…
I decided to try a little experiment yesterday, I’ll call it the One Penny Philanthropist. It all began when a generous reader decided to click the donate button (to your right) and graciously sent me a $50 donation. In the year and a quarter I’ve been running this site I’ve got $150, which has been just enough to cover the costs of keeping this site online.
So, with some money burning a hole in my e-pocket, I decided to engage in some mass philanthropy. Not having a lot of money I was unable to be very generous- I’m no George Soros. Instead, I sent out some ‘protest donations’ of one penny each to some organizations I find troubling. I’ve learned some fascinating things in the process, including a funding connection between the York University and No One Is Illegal- one of Canada’s most troubling pro-violence hate groups.
In the immortal word’s of Deep Throat, let’s “follow the money”…
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