Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

Eva Botton, convicted to 10 months in jail…
This week saw the sentencing of one of the last people residing in Canada being tried for the violence during the Toronto G20 summit (they’re moving onto Americans now). Eva Botton was convicted on six counts of Damage over $5,000, and one last count for using a disguise. Botton was part of a Black Bloc, a violent and misguided tactic which more often than not results in a black eye for the activist community.
The sentencing began on Tuesday afternoon at 2:15. There was a group of Botton’s fellow anarchists who came ‘in support’ of her. At least, that’s how they presented themselves on the surface. Anarchists who’ve been accused of a crime can expect to get a lot of support from their peers- but, those who don’t play the game as they’re expected to may find themselves hanging out to dry.
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Shawna Green and Kevin Annett (sorta) evicting the Vatican…
If there’s anything that Kevin Annett has proven in his career appropriating the voices of Canada’s residential school survivors it’s that there’s a sucker born every minute. Despite the depth of research done on Annett, repeated denouncements of his fraud by residential school survivors and even a feature length expose by the Aboriginal People’s Television Network- there are still people out there who are getting fooled into giving him their time and their money.
Last August, this site exposed bank transfer receipts from one of Annett’s victims. In September Annett was recorded on an internet radio show laughing about how he screws-over the Indians and how he actively avoids paying taxes on the contributions he takes. Today, new information has come to light that exposes Annett’s continuing pattern of fraud and tax evasion.
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This is not okay…
Update: Sheldon Levy, the president of Ryerson University just released a letter harshly denouncing Thursday’s hazing.
Dear Ryerson Engineering Students,
One of the most effective first steps used to dehumanize people is to ask them to take off their clothes in the presence of fully dressed leaders. This practice is so effective it’s become a standard procedure in the military, prisons, gulags and the TSA. Luckily for air travellers, the humiliation only goes as far as a strip-search.
Commanding people to crawl on the ground is an effective technique that’s particularly favoured by the military and people in sadomasochist relationships. In the gulags they’d make people line up outside and stand naked in the snow. Regardless of their tactics militaries, prisons, gulags, gangs and the Ryerson University Engineering program have at least one thing in common- each has an established tradition of dehumanizing initiation rituals…
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Yes, he’s smacking her behind…
I was walking out of the Eaton Centre this afternoon, at Dundas Square, when I saw a group of Ryerson students run past in what first appeared to be some sort of a group prank. There were two distinct groups- those who were wearing coveralls with “Ryerson Engineering” logos on them, and another group who were wearing either their underwear or t-shirts and shorts.
It was quickly apparent that the students in the coveralls were in-charge. Some of those in coveralls were spraying super-sized squirt guns on the scantily dressed students, others were yelling commands at them like drill sergeants. While some of the students were having a great time, it was obvious that others weren’t. You could see the mix of anger, humiliation and cold on their faces (it was about +1 Celsius at the time).
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(Rainbow Warrior Talk & Kevin Annett): Talk slick and carry a big stick…
I’ve been avoiding writing about Kevin Annett the past few weeks. The word is out, most reasonable people understand he’s a complete fraud (including his fraudulent claim to have discovered a mass grave in Brantford, Ontario), and he’s been putting out a lot of complete nonsense- only a fool would believe in Annett these days. Unfortunately there are many fools on our world, and it would be a herculean task to help each of them.
Annett is the guy who (with a few fools, and some professional con-men) created his own “Common Law Court” that he say’s have the legitimacy to issue (and act upon) arrest warrants to the Pope (both new-Pope & old-Pope), the Queen, the head of the RCMP, and a long list of other people. The best analogy for his court would be a group of kids in a schoolyard playground play acting Judge Judy, or perhaps re-enacting their parent’s divorce.
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