Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

Look! Another white guy with a native revolutionary flag!
Joshua Blakeney is one of the most disturbing journalists in Canada. On the one hand he comes across as harmless, a babbling idiot who publishes stories worthy of the National Enquirer. Most people don’t believe his fish stories, it’s hard to take them seriously when peppered with stupidity. My favourite was the one that said the Canadian government was trying to kill off west coast natives by causing the extinction of Pacific salmon. It was a classic Blakeneyism.
This week Blakeney crowned his previous achievements of the heights of stupidity- going all homophobic on us. There’s so much wrong with this that I hardly know where to start…
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Krystal Ann Kraus: Fake Indian, Intrepidly Krap Reporter (And Capt’n Yarr’s dream girl…)
I was reading on Thursday (I read it so you don’t have to) when I came across an interesting article by Krystalline Kraus. As my regular readers will already know, Krause is far from being a reliable journalist- often it seems she writes more lies than truth. My favourite example of her ineptitude was in 2011 when she published a story claiming the notorious con-artist Kevin Annett conducted an exorcism that created a tornado “which devastated central Rome and the Vatican“. Annett is a man who has caused great pain to Canada’s indigenous communities.
Knowing about Kraus’ history of telling outrageous lies, I tend not to believe a word she writes (you shouldn’t either). I must have still been waking up when I read the story, or my BS meter was faulty- because I believed it at first. But, after some research, I can confirm that this article is a continuation of her pattern of misleading stories…
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False advertising…
On July 30th of last year I noticed one of my friends was being treated rather disrespectfully. They were in a Twitter exchange with Sandy Garossino where the conversation led to the TIDES Foundation’s funding of organizations that espouse the use of political violence. My friend made a very valid point, TIDES has funded groups like the Ruckus Society- people behind the violence at the Seattle 1999 WTO (commonly known as the Battle of Seattle). Many of Vancouver’s militant anarchists were there, some are the same people smashed up the Vancouver during the 2010 Olympics, others were at the Toronto G20.
Garossino was very offended by this conversation and (electronically) lunged at my friend’s throat- ridiculing her idea, and publicly declaring: “credibility lost!”. In between she made statements stigmatizing mental health, and so obviously bent the truth that Vivian Krause and Leo Knight felt the need to step in and intervene- both pointed out that Garossino “twisted the truth like licorice”. Instead of making an apology for her behaviour she walked away in the hope it would be forgotten.
Sandy Garossino is the figurehead for one of Canada’s most prominent anti-bullying campaigns…
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The Vancouver Police Department just let them roam unhindered with lit torches…
Two weeks ago, during Vancouver’s May Day march, a group of anarchists marched down the street with flaming torches. The anarchists were carrying signs saying things like “Rich Scum Beware, CLASS WAR” and “Mayday Means Attack”. One anarchist vandalized the sidewalk writing ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards). The only action the police took that day was to surround the controversial Pidgin restaurant to keep the protesters away from it. No action was taken to deal with the lit torches.
I my article about May Day I warned that Vancouverites should take these threats seriously. The city’s anarchists have been gradually getting out of control- and, unlike Toronto’s reaction prosecuting the criminals behind the G20, Vancouver anarchists have not seen any real consequences for their actions. Now, the anarchists have proved my prediction to be correct…
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