Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

When ‘prayer’ becomes cop-baiting…
People have gathered in Kent County this week to protest an energy company that’s recently begun exploring for sources of natural gas in local shale formations. SWN Resources has brought in ‘thumper’ trucks to do the job- seismic surveying tools that send (harmless) shock waves into the earth that are used to map underground rock formations. This data is then taken and interpreted by geologists who advise on the presence of gas deposits.
The fight against this exploration has brought together protesters from the Council of Canadians, Sierra Club, indigenous groups and local residents. Unfortunately this (valid) protest has quickly turned into a three ring circus- rather than using it as an opportunity to spread awareness of the dangers of fracking, they’ve instead engaged in a cop baiting extravaganza. After some arrests, the Sierra Club and the Council of Canadians have responded by issuing a seriously misleading press release…
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Macdonald Stainsby- The David Duke of the tar sands? (And as nasty as they come)
One of the commonalities I’ve observed in Canada’s socialist activist communities is that very little is as it looks on the surface- there’s almost always a hidden agenda. A great example of this was when 100’s of members of the Toronto activist community joined in to support 22 striking Porter Airlines refuellers. At first glance it appeared only to be an extraordinary amount of support- but, looking behind the curtains, it became apparent that some members of Porter’s board are strong supporters of Israel and work with Barrick Gold. Sakura Saunder’s protests against Barrick are no different- their CEO, Peter Munk, is a great supporter of the Jewish National Fund.
Macdonald Stainsby is the perfect embodiment of a watermelon activist (green on the outside, red in the middle), and one of the most influential Canadian environmental activists you’ve probably never heard of. Ten years ago he was quite prominent when he setup the website Oil Sands Truth. But, he’s since gone somewhat underground trotting around the globe, but leaving public (and arrestable) protests to people lower down on the totem pole. This week, after returning from Mongolia (who pays for this?), he wrote a report on his trip that gives us further insight into the ulterior motives of Canada’s watermelon environmentalists…
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Na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey- goodbye!
UPDATE: According to the below screenshot, Ivan isn’t exactly happy about this announcement- it looks like there’s dissent within the ranks at the DNC!

The Pidgin restaurant protest was one of the most contentious protests in the history of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES). A group of malcontents, many associated with the DTES Neighbourhood Council (DNC) and the Carnegie Community Action Project (CCAP) decided they didn’t like the presence of Brandon Grossutti’s new restaurant and that they would unilaterally shut it down. Classy.
As time went by the protests went progressively more out of hand. First, the Vancity credit union threatened to withdraw funds from CCAP- Ivan Drury and Wendy Pederson both ended up resigning. Next there was the arrest of animal rights activist Robyn Pickell for dangerously trying to chain people inside the building, and of COPE executive Kim Hearty for theft, assault & mischief. Obviously things weren’t going well for the miscreants protesters.
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False advertising…
Back in January I published a story about Linda Solomon, the founder and publisher of the Vancouver Observer who launched her newspaper with a rather misleading statement. She claimed that she is a “Pulitzer Nominated” journalist. The problem is that she doesn’t qualify to use that title- a person’s only considered to be a ‘nominee’ if they were one of the three finalists, and Solomon wasn’t.
Of all the liars, creeps and con-artists I’ve written about, Kevin Annett is the one that sits closest to my heart. Not only are his tall tales the most fantastic – fake mass graves, arrest warrants for the queen, how he single handedly dissolved the Canadian state – but, also, Annett has been the perfect litmus test for many of the fools who supported him or repeated his stories. Well, it appears that Linda Solomon is yet another fool who failed the Kevin Annett Litmus Test®.
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Classy Zach, classy…
Back in November a group of anarchists and militant protesters connected to Occupy Toronto converged on West Toronto in protest of a nuclear fuel processing plant run by GE-Hitachi. Led by Zach Ruiter, the protest quickly became a farce. The people in the neighbourhood were unhappy how the publicity hurt their property values- many became quite hostile to Zach’s regularly blocking neighbourhood traffic with his motley crew of dissidents. There was some dissent within the ranks too after Ruiter turned his marches into cop-baiting sessions.
This week it’s become clear how negative of an impact of Ruiter’s protests have had on the neighbourhood. The protesters have progressed from causing simple inconveniences to vandalizing infrastructure across several city blocks. All together 32 pirces of anti-nuclear graffiti have been identified- stretching from Dupont & Bartlett up to St Clair and across to Landsdowne avenue. The people I’ve spoken to in the area are far from impressed…
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