Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

??? & Chelsea Flook show-off their masks in what they call a “CUPE Joke”
UPDATE: One of the two people in this picture was originally identfied as Taylor Flook, who has written to me to say it wasn’t her. I am currently waiting for comment from her on who the other person is alleged to be…
If you’ve been following Your Humble Narrator’s stories about the elite clique of protesters who share the “Love Is The Movement” tattoo, you’ll probably recognize the Flook sisters. Chelsea is the Executive Director of the Sierra Club’s Prairie Chapter, her sister Taylor is an assistant director who works in the Ontario film industry. And, outside of their blood relationship, the two have quite a lot in common.
First, they both share the same tattoo, as do many of their friends in the activist community. Both were also involved in the hijacking of the Occupy movement on behalf of the old-left. Chelsea led the appropriation of Occupy Edmonton while Taylor helped out at Occupy Toronto- both had a reputation for being incredibly nasty to anyone who got in their way. And last, but not least, they both have an affinity for all things anarchist.
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Oh No! We’re being exposed!
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The aftermath of today’s No One Is Illegal protest…
This afternoon a group of anarchists gathered together in suburban Montreal at the Laval Immigration Holding Centre. They were there to protest their (radical) views that Canada should be a nation with no borders and no prisons. The protest was led by the infamous No One Is Illegal (NoII)- an organization that openly advocates the use of violence at protests.
The event was advertised as a family friendly protest, with the troublesome statement “Bring your kids! Bring food to share at the picnic!“. But of course, whenever an organization like NoII sets up a protest, it’s the last place one would want to take their children- doing so is likely a surefire way to have them taken away. This protest was no exception.
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Mike Roy and Sid Ryan at an Ontario Common Front meeting in Toronto…
Back in December a group of indigenous people from the Aamjiwnaang First Nation joined forces with members of Ontario’s anarchist & unionist community and blocked a train line. Many of the ‘usual suspects’ showed-up at the blockade including Sakura Saunders, Dave Vasey, Lana Goldberg, and Ken Lewenza of the Canadian Auto Workers.
The blockade has been over for some time now- but, today, blogger UndercoverKity made an interesting discovery. It appears that not only did the protesters blockade the rail line, but they also tampered with the signalling. And not only were they dumb enough to do this, but they actually filmed and posted the evidence on YouTube for the whole world to see their crimes. It goes without saying that nobody ever accused the anarchist community of being smart.
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When Occupy Toronto’s Dee Shanger (a.k.a. Captain Yarr) introduced Davyn Calfchild’s First Nations broadcast on Thursday, he announced it as the “longest running show on Livestream”. This may, or may not, be true- Shanger isn’t known for having an affinity for the truth. But, if he’s looking to boast about their achievements, it’s quite likely they can claim being the most racist Livestream.
This week Davyn (a.k.a. Davin Ouilet) decided to continue his pattern of overt racism by ending his show telling racist jokes. After he shared his jokes his wife Cathy Walker warned him that he shouldn’t be telling them because “a certain blogger may be listening”. No Cathy, one shouldn’t avoid telling racist jokes because you might get caught- they shouldn’t be told because it’s wrong to do so.
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