Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

Maygan Sensenberger plays “Candy” the sex doll…
Maygan Sensenberger is one of Canada’s more colourful characters. She’s an attractive 24 year old woman who came to public attention after marrying Rod Zimmer- a recently retired 70 year old Senator. Their relationship got scandalous in August of 2012 when she and her husband got into a disagreement on an Air Canada flight- the crew had to get between them, and she was charged with uttering threats against him and causing a disturbance. As a friend explained to Your Humble Narrator tonight- their relationship is a bit like “the real housewives of Ottawa”.
On Friday evening’s Marc Weissblott broke an interesting new story about Sensenberger. She’s recently released a satirical short film where she plays the part of “Candy”- a robotic sex doll that “satisfies all your needs”. Candy knows a whopping 150 sex positions!
In walks NDP Member of Parliament Charlie Angus…
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Top: G20 anarchists doing their stuff. Bottom: Patricia ‘Trish’ Mills at Swamp Line 9
Someone with a sharp eye for anarchist criminality pointed out an interesting picture posted on the Toronto Media Co-Op today. They call it a ‘meme’. At the top, there’s a picture of the Black Bloc anarchists who smashed up Toronto during the G20 saying “Get On the Fence”. At the bottom is a picture of Patricia ‘Trish’ Mills locking herself to a fence during Swamp Line 9. Mills is currently facing multiple charges including mischief, and assaulting a peace officer, and is well on the path towards becoming a hardened criminal.
Are they trying to imply that Mills was involved with the criminal violence during the G20?
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Mike Roy of The Indignants gets pummelled by Ezra Levant…
The protesters who occupied the Line 9 pumping station in Westover had their first day in court on Wednesday. To celebrate, they and their allies arranged a pre-court protest. A motley crew of anarchists, rabble rousers, and useful idiots showed up- and, as expected, they seriously went off the rails. What was billed as a ‘peaceful protest’ became anything but.
Due to economic constraints (donations are much appreciated), Your Humble Narrator wasn’t able to make it out to Hamilton. Luckily, Ezra Levant was able to go to and document the mayhem for us. After a long day of travel and filming, he spent the entire night writing an epic monologue outlining his observations. On Thursday I had the pleasure of joining Ezra in his studio to watch the taping- it was the most entertaining afternoon I’ve had in a while.
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Heather Martin has done a lot of great work helping to expose Kevin Annett’s con-artistry on her blog StopKevinAnnett. Her research has been meticulous, and she takes an incredibly even handed approach to her stories. I’ve learned a lot from Heather, and continue to do so.
Yesterday she published what I think is her best work ever- outlining her experiences looking for a place in the Saskatchewan activist community where she can work on projects that are important to her. Similar to my experience, she quickly discovered that the activist community has been usurped by a small community of people with deep connections to the political/NGO establishment. We’ve both independently discovered that it’s all being run by the same group of Activistocrats: from coast-to-coast-to-coast…
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Joel Duff- OFL Executive & Union Thug…
Today was Toronto’s second major protest over the police shooting of Sammy Yatim, a young man who was shot nine times and Tazered by a Toronto police officer after refusing instructions to drop his knife while standing in a streetcar. Videos filmed by people who watched the shooting look pretty bad for the officer who pulled the trigger- public sentiment is that it didn’t have to end that way.
The first march was led by the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty and No One Is Illegal- two of the most pro violence organizations in the country. Both groups have close affiliations with the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL)- an umbrella group for provincial unions that’s not shy to promote purveyors of violence. Riding on the coattails of OCAP’s cooptation of the Yatim family’s quest for justice, the OFL called a press conference today to make themselves the centre of attention in the family’s cause.
UndercoverKity and Your Humble Narrator showed up for the presser- we’ve both been reporting on the story, and were interested to hear what they’d have to say. Upon our arrival, it took less than a minute before UndercoverKity was attacked by a union thug…
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