Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …
A group of the usual suspects occupied an Enbridge construction site in north Toronto today. Protesting the Line 9 reversal project, the protesters claimed that Enbridge was jumping the gun on construction. Enbridge claims this was a maintenance project- something anti-pipeline protesters often complain the company doesn’t do enough of. Are we confused yet?
The one day occupation consisted of about 20 people. There were a few new faces in the crowd, but it was basically the same group of anarchists, professional protesters and religious extremists we see at every other event like this. That said, something was different today- there was a sense rot, lost momentum, and perhaps a dying movement?
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Zoe Blunt of the Deep Green Resistance & People’s Assembly of Victoria…
After studying her online presence, Emma Gilchrist comes across as a reasonable person. Her resume shows a work history with the Calgary Herald, the Pembina Institute, and more recently with the Dogwood Initiative in Victoria, BC. Building on her journalism background, Gilchrist has recently taken on the Deputy Editor position for the desmog blog.
So, considering this, it was a big shock last week when Gilchrist published her story titled The Day I Found Out The Canadian Government Was Spying On Me. What is this, the Putin administration? Or, perhaps, do Emma Gilchrist and the Dogwood Initiative really pose a threat towards Canadian society? The answer may surprise you.
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Anarchist Sakura Saunders at the occupation of the Line 9 pumping station…
Sakura Saunders is what CSIS or the RCMP would refer to as a multi-issue extremist. She leads militant (and often illegal) actions against mining, oil, Israel, the police, and whatta ya got. Part anarchist and part socialist- it’s not the cause that matters as much as the opportunity to stir-up her revolutionary followers (that, and to fulfil the wishes of her revolutionary funders- she travels a lot).
Saunders is an American who only moved to Toronto a few years ago, but has managed to build a strong following here. Many love her, but there are some who’ve seen through her mask- some people at Occupy Toronto labelled her an Activistocrat– well trained, well heeled, and always keeping herself at the centre of the action.
Now it appears that Saunders is attracting a new kind of fan. This time from law enforcement- on both sides of the border…
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Shifty: Green Party leader Elizabeth May believes that breaking windows isn’t violent…
Last week the Vancouver Observer published a scare story criticising the Harper government’s extensive spying on anti-oilsands groups. The writer explained that the “federal government” (wait, I thought it was Harper?) has been “vigorously spying” on anti oil sands activists and organizations across the country. Adding some fuel to the fire, they also hinted at a financial scandal claiming that the government is “subsidizing the energy industry in underwriting their costs”.
Like most claims of government spying, the story quickly went viral and was widely shared through social media. As public interest began to ignite the Observer published a follow-up story– this time quoting politicians including Green Party leader Elizabeth May, NDP House Leader Nathan Cullen. The article claimed that “politicians, environmentalists and First Nations alike are infuriated”.
While there’s a genuine reason to be infuriated over this story one would be misguided (in this case) to direct their anger towards the government. Because like their editor Linda Solomon, (intentionally or not) the Observer’s coverage of this story has been deceptive. The reality of this story appears to be more sinister than the Observer implies- only, it’s the politicians, journalists, and activists we need to be concerned about- they’re enabling a monster.
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Who is the mystery man in the blue coat?
Remembrance Day was last week, a non-holiday (most people work) where Canadians take a brief moment to remember people who have fought and died at war. Despite his having just admitted lying to the whole city, Mayor Rob Ford showed up to preside over the ceremonies. This of course meant that Ford had to endure another walk of shame in front of the TV cameras.
A video by caught the action that day, showing the media mobbing around Ford as he quietly made his way from Old City Hall. It being Remembrance Day, the media were quiet- none of the reporters asked Ford any questions. Then a heckler showed up…
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