Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …
When Toronto Star columnist Antonia Zerbisias heard about the new Cop Watch Toronto iPhone app, it’s likely she giggled with excitement. You see, Antonia is very well connected with the city’s F##k The Police crowd- she writes stories painting them as jailhouse activist heroes and sometimes even uses them as ‘credible’ sources for her (‘credible’) stories. She once went as far as using her position at the Star to try and intimidate Your Humble Narrator on behalf one of the country’s most prominent supporters of violence.
Antonia Zerbisias is quite the (nasty) piece of work.
Zerbisias began her story about the app listing well-known incidents where citizens filmed the police including the G20, and last year’s shooting of Sammy Yatim. Once the reader is buttered-up with some anti police porn she then introduces us to Darren Baptiste- the man who created the app. But there’s something important Antonia’s story didn’t tell us about him…
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Derek Soberal (right) losing his cool…
UPDATE: Now it appears that Olivia Chow is going to be introducing a bill in opposition to Canada Post- the last part of the formula. Yep, it’s all about the NDP!
Derek Soberal is one of Toronto’s most notorious and prolific cop-baiters. Wherever one sees radical left protesters clashing with the police, Soberal is generally front-and-centre at the head of the pack. One blogger labelled Soberal as an asshole with a camera, his escapades are always filmed. He’s known to take these videos and secretly cut parts out- right at the most important moments. Asshole is really too kind of a description for Soberal- the correct term is that he’s a fraud.
So, where do unions go when they want someone to help whip-up an audience of warm bodies for a postal workers rally? Derek Soberal of course. It’s only natural, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers is one of the most militant cop-hating unions in the country. Soberal’s cop-baiting hobby is the perfect match for CUPW…
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David Compan: Kevin Annett’s most recent victim…
We don’t know much about David Compan. He’s a man in his 20’s-30’s, light brown complexion, gold earring in his left ear, he’s married to a woman named Pritame Bal, and speaks in a groovy accent similar to the French taunters in Monty Python’s Holy Grail. Like the Frenchmen in the movie, Mr Compan also enjoys taunting Englishmen- only, at a London (UK) hospital, not the wall of a castle, and no sheep or cows were thrown from a catapult.
Yes, it’s time for the latest instalment of this site’s series on the victims of Canadian con-artist extraordinare Kevin Annett. After being thrown off of every Canadian Indian reserve he’s stepped foot on, Annett has now started preying on a new set of victims- the mentally ill. And he has a new sidekick helping him spread his fraudulent stories- none other than Hollywood superstar Roseanne Barr!
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Elizabeth May and Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians
Green Party of Canada leader Elizabeth May is a strange duck. On the one hand she’s one of Canada’s most outspoken figures against activist violence- consistently insisting that it’s “unproductive” and has a negative impact on the environmental movement. But equally, she so often comes out spouting nonsense in regards to the people committing the violence that one’s left to wonder if she’s intentionally trying to muddy up the waters.
May is an enigma, wrapped-up in ancient forest friendly paper, and artfully tied with hemp twine by the spoiled kids of Saltspring Island millionaire hippies. And now, right when one couldn’t imagine things getting more confusing, May has thrown us another curveball- this time implying that the people enacting activist violence are under the employment of oil companies and the RCMP! But that wasn’t the only shocker- May also appears to have admitted that, due to their support of violence, the Council of Canadians is an illegitimate organization.
But, she still agrees to work with them…
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Dear Roseanne,
It’s been over two years since we last spoke during Occupy. I appreciated back then how you helped stand-up against the people who were promoting violence in the movement. Ever since that incident I’ve only had good feelings about you- so, please understand, I come in peace.
Today I learned some deeply disturbing information that you’ve been promoting a man named Kevin Annett- a con-artist who has been abusing Canada’s indigenous communities for many years. I’m writing to warn you about Annett, and to appeal to you to help reverse the damage he’s caused.
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