Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

Yes, and they vandalized money…
In early January Vancouver activist Dan Wallace announced a potentially exciting protest called #ShutDownCanada. The organizer’s goal was to get people to join in from coast-to-coast-to-coast, block critical infrastructure, and “severely impact: the country’s economy”. Adding to the anouncement, Wallace declared the event would “respect diversity of tactics”- activist code that means it’s acceptable if some participants use violence.
The protests happened yesterday as planned, with only one exception- almost nobody showed up, and very little was shut down. Join me as we follow some of the highlights, lowlights, and abject stupidity of #ShutDownCanada protests from coast-to-coast.
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Dogwood Initiative’s Kai Nagata
The Dogwood Initiative is a Victoria, BC based non-profit, and registered lobbyist group, that focusses on environmental issues. Like many NGOs, Dogwood has taken a strong stand against Kinder Morgan’s proposed twinning of the TransMountain pipeline- the subject of the recent protests on Burnaby Mountain.
Kai Nagata is the former Quebec City Bureau Chief for CTV News. Nagata’s claim to fame comes from when he wrote a blog posting attacking his former industry titled Why I Quit My Job. Nagata criticised Canadian media explaining he left for ethical reasons because it was impossible for him to be an “objective” reporter.
Nagata recently jumped from the media’s fire into the frying pan of the ENGO world when he joined the Dogwood Initiative in March, 2014. One would think that a journalist who left the media industry for ethical reasons would be the perfect person to bring truth to his new employer- checking his facts, and avoiding the over-sensationalizing he so loathed during his career with CTV. Unfortunately, Kai doesn’t appear to be doing much better at Dogwood.
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Audrey Siegl banging her drum…
UPDATE: More details have come available and have been added to the story.
A video came out yesterday showing how a group of protesters burst into North Vancouver’s Fishworks restaurant, interrupting a group of Kinder Morgan employees as they ate a meal together. It was a classy affair with former COPE Vancouver Audrey Siegl candidate walking in with her drum, fresh from her previous day’s activities publicly endorsing Jenny Kwan’s intention to run for Libby Davies’ MP seat in the Vancouver-East riding.
The evening’s star studded festivities also included David Suzuki’s grandson Tamo Campos- a troubled young man who works with some of the province’s most militant and violence prone activists. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the protest, same old yelling and banging we’ve got used to over the years, and a rip-off of Occupy Wall Street’s recent interruptions of people’s brunches.
There is, however, one thing that turned out to be a real laugh riot!
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Oh, the irony!
Yesterday Vancouver NDP MLA Jenny Kwan announced her intention to run for Libby Davies’ soon to be vacant seat in Parliament. Kwan has a long history in the neighbourhood and was once a member of the Downtown Eastside Resident’s association- a now defunct housing organization partially founded by Davies that died after a financial scandal involving misappropriation of resources.
DERA’s death marked the beginning of a new disaster called the Portland Housing Society. Kwan’s ex-husband Dan Small was an executive at PHS who got caught misusing the non-profit’s funds for luxury travel and hotels in Vienna, London, and Disneyland. Kwan was put in the spotlight when it was discovered she was with her husband on these trips. Claiming she was unaware he was using PHS funds to pay for her accommodations (and not questioning his choices to stay in $800+ per night hotel rooms) Kwan slipped away from the controversy after paying back $35,000 to PHS.
Kwan’s supporters tell us we should forgive her and accept the fact she was clueless of her surroundings. The problem is, if Kwan’s story is true, how is someone so clueless qualified for such an important job?
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Sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’s about page contradictorily describes itself as “an independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with issues of social, economic and environmental justice” that since has become “one of Canada’s leading progressive voices in public policy debates”. The page explains how the CCPA works with “with top-notch researchers to shed light on the key issues facing Canada”. Projects include researching income inequality, “climate justice”, and their annual Alternative Federal Budget “that reflects the values of the large majority of Canadians”.
Harsha Walia is a Vancouver based anarchist whose work promoting and enabling Black Bloc tactics has made her a global icon for violent protest. Wallia leads No One Is Illegal Vancouver, a contradictory organization that both sells the ideology Canada should dissolve all border controls while promoting itself as a “settler ally” helping indigenous communities protect their treaty rights. Wallia was organizing at the front-lines during the violence at the 2010 Toronto G20 and the recent clash with police at the Burnaby Mountain protests, and is one of the many pro-violence activists seen organizing at the RCMP monitored extremists at the Unist’ot’en Camp in Northern BC.
So, what does this tax-exempt charity have in common with Canada’s most visible icon of violent revolution? Disturbingly, it appears the CCPA has become one of Harsha Walia’s most unabashed institutional promoters…
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