Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
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[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

Wait, where did it go?
The results are in on Alberta’s election and it’s official, Hell has finally frozen over and the province has elected an NDP government. As expected, NDP voters are overjoyed, so much that they’ve ignored one of their most beloved issues- the first-past-the-post system has resulted in the NDP winning with less than 50% of the vote.
Curiously, less than two hours after the election closed, the Alberta NDP has now erased all of it’s candidate profiles from their website. What does this mean? One person speculated on Twitter that “Scrubbing their website on elxn night suggests they will revise their platform in light of a huge victory”.
One thing we can deduct from this weasel-like action for certain is that the Alberta NDP have a poor understanding of how the Internet works- you can’t just delete a webpage and expect it will be gone forever, there’s a wonderful site called that’s backed-up many of the Internet’s more popular websites, the Alberta NDP’s is one of them.
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Dan Wallace (on left) – recognize that sign in the back?
Vancouver’s May Day celebrations have had a history of violence over recent years. Things started to heat up in 2013 when Vancouver Police allowed a group of masked thugs to march through downtown with flaming torches and swarming the entrance to the PIDGIN restaurant- a couple of days later anarchists burned down and East Vancouver house. Last year the same group of anarchists got into a street fight with the police, swarming around an occupied city bus as they burst through a line of bike cops.
Vancouver’s anarchist community has a rich tradition of violence. Anarchist leader Harsha Walia has become a global icon for the Black Bloc style militancy we saw at the 2010 Olympics where protesters smashed windows, damaged street furniture, and clashed with the police. May Day is all too often Vancouver’s version of The Purge- the opening day for “violence season”, and a tool for recruiting useful idiots into the criminal side of activism.
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A large crowd showed up…
On Saturday afternoon a group of protesters gathered in front of Toronto’s police headquarters to protest “in solidarity” with the people rioting in Baltimore. The protest organizer’s media release claimed the event was part of an “international day of action”. If you’ve been following protests for long that phrase probably looks familiar to you, Occupy and Idle No More regularly organized events between cities this way- it’s a tactic commonly used by socialist obedience cults.
Most of the city’s major media outlets came to attend Saturday’s protest, with the majority producing headlines claiming that the protest was about “police carding”- basically, just regurgitating what they read on the media release. The reality of the protest is that it was almost completely focussed on solidarity for the rioters in Baltimore- The Sun and 640 News got it right. Of course, as usual, there’s one thing the media neglected to tell their readers/viewers/listeners- who was behind the protest, and what’s their real agenda?
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Zoe Blunt (far-right) with masked cowards building a “pit house” at the Unist’ot’en Camp
The Unist’ot’en Camp is a protest site in northern BC, not too far from the town of Houston. The camp is a collaboration between a couple of First Nations activists and radical violence promoting anarchists from Vancouver and Victoria. Camp spokespeople claim that they’re positioned at the exact junction of several planned pipelines. They’ve warned pipeline companies that their workers will be forcefully stopped if they’re seen “in our territory”, and that their equipment will be “confiscated” (stolen).
Last year activists built a cabin on Crown land where Unist’ot’en stands- funding was managed by Bob Ages of the Council of Canadians, a bus load of volunteers were shuttled in to construct it by Victoria anarchist Zoe Bunt. They also built extra “security” measures to protect the camp from bring raided by the police- surrounding the camp with barbed wire and building trap-lines around their “territory”. Curiously, the police and provincial government have neglected to take any action- that said, the RCMP have been tracking the camp for their extremism since 2010.
Hungry for a fight, Unist’ot’en protesters are upping the ante this year with plans to construct a building they’re calling a “Healing Centre”. Like last year they’ve also setup a fundraiser- the goal is to raise $40,000. They’ve got pledges for over $13,000 since they started the fundraiser a few weeks ago- the contributor’s list is quite interesting.
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“Self-Hating” Anarchist Anglican priests Maggie Helwig & Andrea Budgey protesting the wrong company
Today was a big event for Canada’s socialist obedience cults, the 145th anniversary of Vladimir Lenin’s birth! Most intelligent people (and dogs, my Hungarian born Beagle urinated on his tomb when we lived in Moscow) would be repelled by the idea of celebrating the birthday of such an evil man. Luckily for the obedience cults, there’s no shortage of useful idiots who are easily tricked- its easy, just re-brand it as Earth Day!
Supporters of the obedience cults might be inclined to believe that their leaders are intelligent; after all, they convinced 100’s of thousands of useful idiots to celebrate today- right? Perhaps some of the leaders are smart, but the leaders of Toronto’s big Earth Day protest are dumb as a box of rocks. You see, they led their friends useful idiots to protest the wrong company!
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