Dear Occupy Vancouver,
Remember the first couple of weeks we were together at the VAG? Those days were beautiful, weren’t they? All of the smiles, love and group hugs made living outside in tents worthwhile- didn’t they?
May 03
Dear Occupy Vancouver,
Remember the first couple of weeks we were together at the VAG? Those days were beautiful, weren’t they? All of the smiles, love and group hugs made living outside in tents worthwhile- didn’t they?
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May 03
I’ve made a big change today and added a custom domain name for this site! The old address will still (and always) work- but, now if you simply type-in or (capitalization is not important) you will be sent directly to this site!
Think about it, you now have nine less characters to enter next time you come here! lol
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May 03
Here is the video of Richard Porteous making a blatantly slanderous attack on the character of a man who has asked too many questions about Occupy Vancouver’s Finance Committee. More details in my previous article: Occupy Vancouver Has An Asshole Problem
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May 02
Bob Ages of the Council of Canadians (also known as Mr Taco!)
NOTE: The title of this article is based on an article that was quite popular during the early days of Occupy Vancouver: Occupy’s Asshole Problem
I’ve written about this issue before. Bob Ages of the Council of Canadians has been involved in vicious character attacks after Ben Pearson, a member of Occupy Vancouver, started asking questions about the Finance Committee. Then I published a video showing how a gang of people (including Irwin Oostinde of the W2 Media Center) mobbed Ben to refuse his entry to a GA.
This situation has truly one of Occupy Vancouver’s lowest moments…
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