Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
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[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

Save the Planet, drink Fiji bottled water!
In his book Diet For A Hot Planet, leader Bill McKibben warned his readers about the dangers of bottled water to the planet claiming:
“…ask yourself, do we really need to be shipping water into the United States from Fiji? When Fiji Water ads boasted “Fiji, because it’s not bottled in Cleveland,” that city ran tests that compared it with municipal samples it turned out that Fiji water fared worse; it contained arsenic as well as higher levels of contaminants.”
You don’t have to be an environmentalist to know that it’s not a good idea to drink bottled water, and you don’t need to be a scientist to realize the carbon impact of shipping water from Fiji to New York City is higher than taking it from the tap. I’m neither a professional environmentalist, nor a scientist, but made a conscious decision years ago that I’d avoid Fiji water- it just doesn’t make sense to buy the stuff.
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Scarborough Candidate Tommy Taylor with Elizabeth May
As an activist-driven organisation, it’s completely understandable why Elizabeth May and other Green Party candidates are more sensitive to policing issues than others. It’s almost a right of passage for a Green to get arrested, May holds the distinction being of the only party leader who’s willing to get arrested for interrupting projects approved by the government she claims to represent and defend.
Years of playing cat-and-mouse with the police appear to have taken their toll on Elizabeth May. She’s said some pretty loopy things over the past years- crazy shit like declaring that “breaking windows isn’t violent” during the G20, insinuating that the RCMP planted guns and IEDs at the Elsipogtog fracking protests, and recently signing-up the party to support a harebrained claim that the RCMP were planning “mass arrests” of the small handful of protesters at the Unist’ot’en Camp.
Far from the militant environmentalists of BC and New Brunswick, the quasi-suburban Toronto riding of Scarborough-Southwest was immune to the Elizabeth May’s law enforcement delusion syndrome. But now with former police chief Bill Blair running for the Liberals, facing a new Green Party opponent who was arrested during the 2010 G20, the people of Scarborough sit at ground zero of the Green’s war against the police. And just to make things more interesting, their candidate is being assisted by one of the three women who filed criminal complaints against Gregory Alan Elliott.
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Julian is the guy with the Che t-shirt of course…
On Tuesday night, a crowd of about 100 people gathered in the Waterloo-Centre riding for an all-candidates debate on refugees and immigration. The three main candidates – Liberal Raj Saini, NDP’s Susan Cadell, and Conservative incumbent Stephen Woodworth – probably didn’t know it, but they were joined on stage by a man recently declared a terrorist risk by the US Department of Homeland Security.
Julian Ichim is a devoted Maoist with a long history running for (and losing) and working with the Marxist-Leninist party. Ichim is a bit of an Otto West like character, clownish but dangerously stupid. Ichim first came to public attention after throwing chocolate milk on Stockwell Day and has since continued his pattern of silly disruptions to this day- his most recent attack was on Venezuelan dissident National Assembly member Maria Corina Machado
In October 2013, when Ichim was expected in court to face the consequences of one of his exploits, the US Consulate issued a security warning about the possibility of violence. Having previously been assaulted by Ichim I understood the potential for violence, but the warning seemed a bit silly at the time. But information released last year gives us more insight- Ichim works closely with an Irish organization listed on the Department of Homeland Security’s terrorism watch list.
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Gregory Alan Elliott’s snoetry…
Last Friday was the one-thousand and eighteenth day since Gregory Alan Elliott was arrested and charged for alleged criminal harassment of three politically connected social justice activists. The arrest caused Elliott to lose his job after over a decade of employment as a graphic artist with the City of Mississauga. Elliott’s bail terms have restricted him from using the internet ever since.
In our last story about Elliott’s prolonged trial we covered an unscheduled hearing on August 5th. Crown prosecutor Marni Goldenberg had made a serious mistake handling the case. Elliott’s charge was that he “knowingly” harassing his alleged victims, but Goldenberg changed her story during closing remarks stating that he “either knowingly or recklessly” harassed them. The judge responded saying “there can be no conviction for something for which Elliott is not charged.”
With Elliott’s defence away on holiday, dialing in on a speakerphone and unable to see the judge’s facial expressions, the August hearing was a complete waste of time. With everyone was in the courtroom last week one would expect there would be some progress on resolving the problem. But after three hours debate, with the Crown relentlessly defending her mistake, the trial abruptly ended after she fell into tears.
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Anarchists and other “settler allies” at Unist’ot’en peacefully raising their fists…
The Unist’ot’en Camp is a protest site in northern BC that claims to be at the junction of several proposed oil and natural gas pipelines. The camp is officially part of the Unist’ot’en, a clan belonging to the Wet’suwet’en First Nation. The is represented by two indigenous spokespeople and claims to have the support of 5 hereditary chiefs, outside a handful of local aboriginals, the vast majority of participants are political activists from outside of the community
While many who attend are peaceful, the camp’s list of guests and endorsers is a who’s who of militant extremism- several who’ve openly endorsed violence. This is reflected in their tactic of chasing down pipeline workers and threatening to forcibly “confiscate” their equipment if they dare return. Despite what many perceive as violent tactics, they’ve been allowed to continue this behavior for several years.
The RCMP have been tracking the camp since at least 2010. One of their more recent visits was filmed by Unist’ot’en on July 15th. The video shows a cop quietly listening while a blond-haired white hippie kid wags his finger yelling “do you know this is unceded territory!”. On August 27 a pipeline crew threatened to call the police after being obstructed. Unist’ot’en supporters made a surprising announcement the next day which – if true – would have indicated a historical shift in RCMP policy.
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