MediaWatch:, Media Co-Op & Kevin Annett’s (Continuing) Abuse Of Indigenous Communities…

Media Co-Op’s Megan Kinch throws softballs at Kevin Annett!

After APTN’s broadcast last week, Kevin Annett’s career as a fraud is pretty-much over now. They did an excellent piece on Annett, exposed many of his lies, and interviewed some of his victims. I helped with this story- sharing my research with APTN’s Todd Lamirande back in July. My favourite part of the story was when Frank Miller explained how the bones that Annett said he “discovered” smelled like rotting flesh- despite the fact they were supposed to be over 50 years old. Annett is a very sick man.

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Terry Nelson & Iran: Should PressTV Be Banned From Canada?

Terry Nelson speaking with PressTV…

I’ve been writing a lot about Iran’s state-owned PressTV. This station first came to my attention when they covered the story about Patricia Kelly’s criminal prosecution for illegally selling salmon. It shocked me how manipulative their coverage of this story was- it was incredibly overdramatic, and they misrepresented the truth in a number of ways. Their first story was made even more ridiculous when they included University of Lethbridge professor Anthony James hall saying that the Canadian government is intentionally killing our country’s stock of salmon as a way to kill-off our country’s indigenous people.

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My Experience Being Cyber-Bullied (and real-life) At Occupy Vancouver & Toronto…

Initially, I wasn’t going to discuss the Amanda Todd story. With all of the attacks I’ve received from people, and slanderous statements published about me- I was concerned writing about bullying right now would bring some of my previous attackers back for another round. It can be brutal sometimes.

So I’ve waited for a few days, read a few different stories, and finally watched the video today. I couldn’t help but feel tears while watching. It was so sad to see a young person to go like that- and, equally, it reminded me of my own personal experiences. Then I read Alex Tsakumis’ piece on how some bullies used Todd’s tragic story to take a political attack against him. I recognized one of his bullies- I’ve watched her at work and have written about some of her more recent attacks- they were vitriol, and as if they were designed to hurt.

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Alfred Webre: Liar, Traitor, Nutbar, Con and Jerk… (feat. PressTV!)

Alfred Webre on Iran’s state-run PressTV…

I first learned about the existence of Alfred Webre back in July through my research on Kevin Annett, a con-artist who has been profiting off of the pains of Canada’s indigenous communities. Webre had partnered with Annett and was promoting his lies- despite the fact there was overwhelming evidence that Annett was up to no good. Even after Annett was caught in a big lie (about a filing in Toronto’s Federal Court that never actually happened), Webre continued to support him. Webre is a man with a seriously damaged moral compass…

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Canada, Foreign Powers & The Great Game…

Countries mapped out on the Risk board game… (go find Alberta & Afghanistan)

I read an interesting story in the Gulf News today- The Beginning Of A Great Game In Afghanistan. The article discusses how “regional states (are) busy carving out their respective spheres of influence.” Basically, everyone is fighting for their slice of the pie. It’s an interesting story, and has some parallels with what’s happening in Canada- things like pipelines, copper mines, small populations, and lack of military power. This was a toxic mix for Afghanistan- how will it work out for Canada? Continue reading

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