Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

Andrew Cash & Jonah Schein (What do they know about the anarchists?)
Note: I will be writing similar letters to Cheri DiNovo, Ana Bailao and Cesar Palacio, but I need to complete some research first.
Dear Sirs,
I don’t know if you are aware of this- but, the meeting you both attended on November 15th was lead a gang of anarchists who have been actively promoting political violence on the streets of Toronto. The attendance list included a who’s who of anarchist leaders- including Zach Ruiter, Sakura Saunders, Dee Shanger, and Ashleigh Ingle.
I spoke with city councillor Cesar Palacio and with the police officers who were there that evening- they all acknowledged knowing the meeting was being run by anarchists. The Toronto Police Service felt it was necessary to send a mobile command unit to protect the plant.
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Night time photo of snow cover roofs. (15 sec exposure)
I’ve only seen a couple of days snow since I moved to Toronto in February. So, I’ve not had a chance to get reaccustomed to it. I’m normally not a fan of the snow- but, this year, I’m kind of happy to see it’s arrived…
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Update: There was no riot, I’ll share the video later…
There’s a demonstration planned at the Toronto Eaton Centre Mall at 6pm today, I’ve heard of a few occupiers who may be going- and, considering how 366 people have signed-up on the Facebook page, its likely there could be at least 100 people showing up.
This may be nothing, or this could be the story of the weekend. It looks innocent on the surface, and I imagine that most people going will have good intentions. Up until a few minutes ago, I had no reason to think it would be otherwise. However, I’ve discovered something new just a few minutes ago that shows there’s an opportunity it could get ugly…
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We bring good bullshit to life…
I went to the open house for Toronto’s GE-Hitachi uranium fuel processing plant today. It was a rather dull experience, a big hall with a few signs on each corner. Each set of signs was attended to by a few of their staff- they were friendly, and they had answers ready for most of my questions. At the front, there were some tables with muffins and some drinks- free food is likely to sway some people I guess.
So I walked around and asked some questions. The answers I got were mostly what I was expecting- the plant is safe, and there’s nothing to worry about. The problem is, my bullshit detector badge turned colour after the second or third question. I also caught a GE-Hitachi safety engineer agree with me on a design problem with Canada’s CANDU nuclear reactors…
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Ha! He called the BCSC- what a maroon!
UPDATE: In the end, during the second investigation into Gregory Carrington, David Baines helped bring him to justice. In retrospect, after writing this article, I was a little hard on Baines- BC is the securities fraud capital of the world, and he has a hard job keeping on-top of things. Regardless, Carrington is busted now, and hopefully no others will be subjected to his criminality in the future.
I ran across a perverse advertisement for the British Columbia Securities Commission. Not perverse in a soft-porn sense like a TIDES Canada video, thank god. It’s much more perverse than that- it’s a propaganda video that misrepresents one of BC’s most inept law enforcement organizations as if they were effective.
When I say inept I’m being kind. We could only wish they were simply inept- the reality is that their ineptitude (long ago) crossed the line into being a danger to BC (and consequently the rest of Canada). How bad are they? Glad you asked- they are, in fact, so bad that BC has become a global laughing stock for the poor quality of securities law enforcement.
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