The Toronto Star Hits A Home Run For The Anarchists! (feat. Antonia Zerbisias & Alex Hundert)

Antonia Zerbisias- Journalism that makes anarchists happy...

Antonia Zerbisias- Journalism that makes anarchists happy…

In a situation that should be concerning to most Canadians, there are members of our country’s media who’ve been actively promoting the anarchists behind the chaos at the Toronto G20. Some journalists have tried to label them as ‘political prisoners’, others tried to minimize the anarchist’s crimes. Others have taken a more dangerous route- writing articles that deify the anarchist leaders as jailhouse activists and martyrs.

One of the most troubling examples was a puff piece Antonia Zerbisias wrote in her column in the Toronto Star. The article was about incarcerated G20 ringleader Mandy Hiscocks’ battle for the rights of marginalized prisoners in her cell block. She talked about being discriminated against “because I’m an anarchist”. Zerbisias’ article practically hailed Hiscocks as a courageous social justice crusader- without any mention of the damage her crimes brought to our city.

Remember how I speculated Zerbisias’ article could help embolden these criminals in the future? Well, today, it seems that speculation is now a reality…

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Chilling Effects: Is Victoria Anarchist Zoe Blunt Making A Mockery Of The Courts? (Feat. Tracie Marie Park)

Zoe Blunt: Anarchist Who Files Lawsuits...

Zoe Blunt: Anarchist Who Files Lawsuits…

Back in October a group of activists with We Are Change Victoria (WACV) organized what they called a ‘Solutions Rally. It was a refreshingly unique idea. Rather than yelling, complaining and blocking traffic they would instead talk about how things could be made better. So, they got a permit, got the setup a stage, a sound system and a line-up of speakers.

One of the originally intended speakers was Doug Christie– a lawyer who’s done extensive work on free speech and expression cases. He’s also defended some fairly notorious people including Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel, and Wolfgang Droege of the Heritage Front in Ontario. Many people don’t like Christie’s work- particularly the anarchists- this is where today’s story begins and where Zoe Blunt enters the stage.

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Rabble, The Toronto Star, Alex Hundert, Solitary Confinement & Dirty Tricks… (feat. Antonia Zerbisias)

Judy Rebick & Alex Hundert together in Montreal...

Judy Rebick & Alex Hundert together in Montreal…

Since the G20, there’s been a disturbing trend with some parts of the media. Rather than being critical of the criminals who trained and led the forces of destruction they’ve instead re-framed them as political prisoners and jailhouse activist heroes. It’s a sick, twisted, logic- the type of stuff that makes Dick Cheney giggle like a schoolgirl. and the Toronto Star are two of the worst offenders in this area- they’ve both dedicated a good chunk of column inches the the cause of promoting G20 criminals. This may have been understandable prior to their conviction, but both publications have  continued long after. The big question is why are they doing this- is the media using the anarchists, are the anarchists using the media, or is there a bigger game at play?

The answer may come from the pattern of the media’s behaviour…

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[Updated] Andy Lehrer Has Made A Very Ominous Threat Towards Me… (And how I caught him)

Andy Lehrer associates with masked anarchists

Andy Lehrer associates with masked anarchists

Update: Lehrer has started having a temper tantrum, denies that he was there, and is threatening to sue me. If you read what have to say about him, this appears to be par for the course. I saw the guy with my own two eyes, and I talked with him. So, officially, it’s my word against his. (and my witness).


On January 15th, only a few hours after I helped with the arrest of a man who brutally assaulted me, someone posted a very ominous threat against me in the comments section of this website. I usually don’t pay too much attention to the threats any longer, but this one was quite different:

Threat from Andy Lehrer...

Threat from Andy Lehrer…

I considered this to be a pretty serious threat- a warning that I will have to watch my back forever. I did a search on the IP address and noticed it was posted from an Internet cafe less than a kilometre from where I was, on St. Clair. Considering my success tracking down my attacker early in the day, I figured I was ready for another adventure. So, I made my way up there…

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Violent Anarchist Arrested At Ryerson University Stakeout! (feat. Alex “Flagpole” Balch)

Alex Balch being led into a police cruiser...

Anarchist Alex Balch being led into a police cruiser at Ryerson university…

I walked into the Ryerson University Student Union building this afternoon and was welcomed with a shocking surprise. I was only half-way through the front door when I recognized someone who I’ve been looking for since we last met. His name is Alex Balch, and he’s the anarchist who came charging after me and attacked me with a Black Bloc flagpole back in June.

It was at that moment I realized I needed to hide myself from him. I slipped the hood of my raincoat over my head, dashed into the coffee shop, and quickly back outside to where I could see him from the front window. It was an exhilarating adventure- would I be able to get the police there in time to catch him, would he see me and run away?

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