Update: Coincidentally, while all of this is going on, VANDU is once again hosting the agitators at Vancouver Cop Watch
The Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU) is probably the best example of the radical left making a mockery out of the city’s taxpayers. Funded through organizations like Vancouver Coastal Health ($250,437 in 2011), the group has been known for paying addicts to attend anti-gentrification protests, and using their government funded space as the headquarters for an anti-police group known for making racist and hateful attacks.
Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) has been made aware of these incidents, but up until now they’ve spent more energy deflecting criticism than actually fixing the problem. Now it seems that the times are a ‘changin for VANDU and VCH is putting them on-notice. Well sort of, like the rest of the city’s drug policy, it seems that VCH is once more engaging in a half-baked approach.