Joe Foy: This Man Is Dangerous…
Update: As of 2:56pm EST on Monday July 16th, the webpage is now up again, it wasn’t earlier this morning- bizarre.
The Wilderness Committee is a BC based ENGO with about a dozen staff and $2 million in annual (tax-deductible) revenue, they claim to have a membership of approximately 30,000. In addition to their work on the environment, the WC has served as a successful stepping stone for some high profile activists and politicians. VISION Vancouver city councillor Andrea Reimer was their executive director until 2010, Green Party city councillor Adriane Carr worked there too. Ben West recently left WC to take a position as a campaign director at ForestEthics (WC & FE partner together working on Clayoquot Sound).
In February of 2013 WC executive Joe Foy was interviewed by the Vancouver Observer on the subject of government spying on environmentalists. Foy said that he was happy about the rights & freedoms afforded him as a Canadian, but it’s “dangerous and very, very wrong” if there’s a shift to labelling “legitimate activism” as “extremism”. Foy was absolutely correct, it would be wrong to try and label people with peaceful intentions as extremists; not only would it make it more difficult to identify the real extremists, but it’s also an assault on justice. We must not label people and organizations until we’ve done proper research.
Well, after quick look through the WC’s website and internet presence, things aren’t looking very good- it turns out Joe Foy is, knowingly or not, a dangerous man…
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