Carrie Lester, Cathy Walker, Davin Ouimet prepare to march…
It’s been a while since this site has covered Occupy Toronto’s favourite husband and wife racists. Davin Ouimet (a.k.a. Reverend Davin Ouimet, a.k.a. Hereditary Chief Davyn Calfchild) is most famous for his copycat 2013 attempt to interrupt Toronto’s Remembrance Day ceremony, mirroring Maoist nutbar occupier Julian Ichim’s attempt to do the same in 2014. But when not desecrating the memories of brave soldiers who died fighting for our country, Ouimet often shows a darker side- hating on people of colour, Mexicans, Jews, Italians, whites and Chinese.
Ouimet was accompanied by his equally controversial wife Cathy Walker, and con-artist Kevin Annett’s greatest supporter (and TDSB schoolteacher) Carrie Lester. Walker has also been seen mimicking Chinese people, but her real hate appears to be for Jews. In 2014 she declared to the world that “Islamic group [sic] need to start taking Hollywood away” from them. In the summer of 2013 Ouimet, Walker and Lester took part in the infamous violent, racist, anti-semitic, and hate filled Occupy Livestream broadcast were “Taliban Billy” threatened to kill white people and “tear the f##king heads off” of “33rd degree masons”.
Despite their overt racism, hate, and other questionable parts of their character; NGO and union led professional protesters often use Davin, Cathy and Carrie to help give their campaigns “indigenous cred”. The trio are so deeply entrenched on Toronto’s radical community they were featured on an anti Line 9 white paper that was sponsored by several Toronto city councillors. On Sunday they helped lead a curiously familiar protest against Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.
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