I’ve been holding off on this story for a while- wasn’t sure where it would lead, and thought I’d give it some time to percolate more information became available. I’ve learned a few things since then- and, along with other stories I’ll publish over the next few days, it appears to have a some significance to solving the puzzle behind the Canadian Occupy movement in Canada.
Adam Smolcic is a marijuana activist with a long record of police incidents and apparently false accusations. His history caught my attention when I noticed he had worked with David Eby and the BC Civil Liberties Association on a rather dubious police complaint…
The first case to come to my attention was an incident where Adam claimed to have witnessed Vancouver police shooting a homeless man. Adam said he recorded this incident on his mobile phone but, when a police officer took the phone from him they erased the evidence. That said, he admitted to being under the influence of his beloved Mary Jane…

David Eby, the head of the BC Civil Liberties Association, couldn’t resist getting involved. As an aspiring politician, the free publicity was useful- and, he tends to jump at any opportunity to drive an anvil between police and civilians. Eby is well-known as one of the city’s leading cop haters, As you’ve seen with his connections to the Black Bloc during the Olympics, his close relationship to Harsha Walia, his refusal to stand-up against the violence we’ve seen at Occupy Vancouver, and his challenges drinking sub-par wine.
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