My Oppressor, Alex Hundert, As He Beer Blocs Me!


Black Bloc member Alex Hundert & Jessica Enyar blocking me from my beer and from accessing the Occupy Toronto General Assembly

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Propaganda to Scare Your Pants Off…

This is scary folks. Not only because of the freakish propagandist sound of how the words are spoken, but it is scary to me because I know that this disinformation is being used to justify an uprising early this summer. I have good word that we may wake-up one day in June to discover multiple Oka’s arising across the country…

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This Is What Fucking Assholes Look Like!

The people involved in this don’t deserve to be called occupiers!

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A Warning for Canadians- George Soros’ TIDES Foundation is Invading!

Not a fan of Beck (at all) but sometimes he is right- this is one of them…

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Why The Occupy Movement Should Be Concerned About George Soros…

It never ceases to amaze me how often I hear people inside of the Occupy movement defending George Soros- truly, it blows my mind. This happened to me twice this week- first, on Wednesday, when @OccupyBayStreet told me “it won’t make you popular to be criticise people for being funded by Soros”, and another time today when Mathew Kagis (seal clubber) wrote that I was ‘paranoid’ for discussing Soros.  Say What?

Considering all of the (unexpected) kick-back over my writing about Soros, I’ve decided to clarify my position by explaining why I believe the Occupy Movement should be concerned about him:

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