Apr 14
Krystalline Kraus Continues To Show Her True Colours!

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/04/14/krystalline-kraus-continues-to-show-her-true-colours/
Apr 13
Some Background Behind The Guy Who Made The Nazi Slurs…
I ran into an interesting video from an appearance Curtis Nixon made on Russia Today. In case you missed it, He’s the Guy who made the Nazi death slurs to a Jewish woman yesterday…
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/04/13/some-background-behind-the-guy-who-made-the-nazi-slurs/
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/04/13/dear-occupy-toronto-who-are-you-trying-to-attract-here/
Apr 12
Why Are @OccupyBayStreet Such Rabid Haters?
O you who turn justice to wormwood and cast down righteousness to the earth! ~Amos 5:7
One of the more interesting characters I’ve met since I’ve been in Toronto is the ‘street preacher’ Doug Johnson Hatlem from @OccupyBayStreet. This is a man who identifies as a Christian- yet, long before he had ever met me he had apparently cast judgement…
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/04/12/why-are-occupybaystreet-%e2%80%8fsuch-rabid-haters/
Apr 12
Chris Hedges And Occupy Debate “Black Bloc” Violence
All I’ve been asking for is the same as Chris mentions in this video: Transparency, Honesty, and a Rigid adherence to nonviolence. People who are suggesting we support Black Bloc and Diversity of Tactics are clearly working for the 1%. Occupiers! When will you finally understand this!
Please, realize this now- we need to move on and start making a difference!
Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/04/12/chris-hedges-and-occupy-debate-black-bloc-violence/