Continuing My Investigation of Occupy, Black Bloc & the International Socialists…

The Header From The International Socialist's Website

The investigation into the relationship with the Occupy movement and the International Socialists (IS) continues- and, the deeper I look the more obvious are the connections. But, before I continue, I believe it is important to make something clear…

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Occupy Toronto, International Socialists, The NDP & Robocall Rallies!

Hey, wait a minute! Doesn't this image look familiar?

I’ve been doing some research on the International Socialists lately, as it seems they have quite a strong impact on the Occupy Movement. I’ve known this for a while, but they escalated in importance to my investigation the moment I learned that Kevin Annett was a member of the IS. It seems this may be a missing link…

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Some Advice for People Attending Occupy Toronto’s “Activist Training Weekend”

If you have a chance, please make sure you watch this video before you head off to the Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyist Steelworker’s hall this weekend, it may be valuable to use some of your time to watch this video first.

Remember, if anything doesn’t make sense, make sure you ask questions! You may also want to read the Activist Post’s article on Combating the Delphi Technique and Occupy Infiltration while you are at it. Then watch the 5% at work, and have a great weekend!

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Action Plan: Help Us Stop Kevin Annett’s Fraud!

After three articles, and a very long debate, Kevin Annett’s credibility is no longer. He has been uncovered for lying, changing his story multiple times, and his rather dodgy charitable collections to a trailer park in Florida…

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How The 5% Hijacked Occupy Toronto (And how they’re 100% illegitimate)

Take me to Cloud Gardens!

There are a group of people who have been trying to wrestle control of Occupy Toronto from since the beginning- I’ve already referred to them as “the 5%”. It could be possible to argue that they are the people who kick-started the movement, but that would be unfair to the 95% of Toronto’s Occupiers who came with good intentions…

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