My Response To Kevin Annett About The Bones (and a few more issues)

Kevin Annett, defrocked priest & con-artist

Kevin Annett, defrocked priest & con-artist


Yes, it was presumptuous of me to call you a psychopath- I have no medical evidence of this. That said, much of your writing appears to follow the traits of a psychopath. Or, at least someone who is deeply disturbed, self-serving and a bit of a megalomaniac…

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A Bizarre Interaction with Jon Allan of the Robocall Rallies!

Jon Allan talking from the back of the Al-Quds truck during a Robocall Rally

I just had the most bizarre interaction with Jon Allen on Facebook a few minutes ago. First, he came to me with a response to what I wrote about the rallies yesterday- this isn’t the unusual part, but it is rather telling. Here’s what he had to say: Continue reading

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Naomi Klein Fights For The Needs Of Vancouver’s DTES Drug Dealers & Poverty Pimps!

Naomi Klein speaking beside Harsha Walia at the rally

One of the more interesting events I attended in Vancouver was the Occupy Condos event led by Harsha Walia. I have, for months, been quite confused by this event. It was only recently what it has begun to make sense to me…

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Story Of The Robocall Rallies, Palestine House, JDL, International Socialists, Judy Rebick And A Cryptic Coptic!

Jon Allen speaking from the bed of the ‘Palestine House’ truck..

I didn’t think much about it when Jon Allan mentioned he had a friend from the Palestinian community who would be helping us plan and marshal our parade route. Jon said he was an expert at setting-up rallies, and it was good to know we’d have someone experienced to help make the first rally possible.

When he came to our second planning meeting this man was, indeed, a wealth of knowledge. He was able to help us with the details- things like we shouldn’t plan a parade route that makes a left-turn, as that would block traffic and the city would be unlikely to give approval. We were on the right track, and things were looking good…

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Video Discussing The Infiltration Of Occupy In The UK By Special Interests

When did we all stop talking about the banks?

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