Smokey Will Feed You…

But the food comes with a condition- first you have to listen to his bullshit… Continue reading

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Dave Vasey & Crowd Pissing Off the 99%!

Dave couldn’t have done a better job hurting the Occupy Name if he tried…

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Is York Professor David McNally (Former Head of the International Socialists) a Black Bloc Ringleader?

Remember I questioned how curious it was for the CBC to be using a professor from the ultra-radical York University as an expert on Black Bloc during the G20? Well, it seems my Spidey senses were right…

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Tear Off Their Masks!

If you see one of these inbred morons on May 1st- pull of their masks and take their pictures!

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If There Is Violence On May 1st- Blame These People…

This list reads like a who’s who of the International Socialists! Is this why they would be foolish enough to add their support to a dodgy event being sponsored by No One Is Illegal? After all, NoII is one of the most pro Black Bloc organizations in the country- isn’t it? Continue reading

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