The day continues here at Occupy Toronto- and besides the initial assault by Dave Vasey & Greg Ciprik, there has been no other violence so far. So, this is good news!
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May 01
May 1st, Hour 1: Assaulted By Dave Vasey & Greg Cipryk! (With Special Guest- Judy Rebick!)
So, here I am covering the events of Occupy Toronto’s May Day celebrations- live and on the spot! I started waiting at Bay & King Street where the ‘Human’ chess game was announced, but it turned-out to be a decoy.
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May 01
I Dedicate This Song To The “Scary Lady Cop”
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Apr 30
Toronto Police Send the “Scary Lady Cop” From the G20 To Take Pictures of Me Drinking Beer!
Dear Toronto Police Service,
You know that I’m a pacifist! So, that you are sending officers to take pictures of me while I shared drinks with my friends at a pub yesterday literally turns my stomach. What the hell is wrong with you people?
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