Is BC Premier Christy Clark Trying To Muzzle The Press?

And, who is this woman, and where did she come from? She seemed to be rather elusive when asked…

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Brigette DePape Admits The Quebec Strikes Are A Socialist Revolution!

I could write an explanation, but the video says so much more- have a look!

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The BCGEU May Not Only Be Full Of Shit…

Did the BCGEU do this?

Did the BCGEU put a new meaning to the concept of the flying squad on Thursday?

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OPSEU Walks-Out On Autistic Children!

Warren “Smokey” Thomas, Curiously Named President of OPSEU

I wrote about OPSEU local 330’s labour dispute a few weeks ago, and how they were suggesting the use of riot gear against autistic children. Honestly, this was one of the most disturbing stories about the labour movement I’ve heard of in years. Well, it seems the problem is now getting worse…

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Montreal Students Conform To Bill 78!

One of the provisions of Bill 78 is that demonstrators must present a planned route to the city eight hours prior to any marches. The students in Montreal have come up with an innovative answer to that…

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