Two weeks ago Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam tweeted out a picture of a hate-filled letter that was mailed to her office at City Hall. The envelope was postmarked on April 10th. It’s unknown when …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles? If so. would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider …
[Note: Do you like my work and want to help me cover the costs and encourage more articles, would you consider making a donation? You can find my PayPal account here, or consider a monthly …
[UPDATE: Christopher Wilson interviewed protesters at the woman’s march in Vancouver who indicated they travelled to the march because it was “free”. Who paid for it then?] The Women’s March On Washington appears to have …

Jason Bowman holding a copy of the court’s rules on July 4th (not a court filing)
Because they have already been laughed out of the courthouse once…
I’ve been sitting on some documents for a couple of months now, waiting for the right time to share them. Considering all of the fuss being made about Kevin’s fake court case, the time seems to be right. These are the (unpublished) filings in the court from Annett’s real court case that was filed in December. They are quite a good laugh!
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Notice the pretty picture of Leon Trotsky?
I figured that Sonny Yeung was one of the hijackers of Occupy Toronto about 15 minutes after I arrived at my first meeting. He is the guy to came running to Dave Vasey and Trey (whiney) Winney, flashing his Blackberry at them, just as they all looked at me with suspicion. That was about 3 days after Vasey inexplicably decided it was time for me to be exiled.
Typical Trotskyists, always trying to put people into exile…
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Jose Luis: Self-proclaimed Antichrist televangelist…
I’ve spoken with a number of Christians about Kevin Annett over the past few days. Many of them have now given-up on Kevin Annett, but a few are still on-the-fence. Well, I imagine that after this article, many undecided Christians will now make their decision. Because Annett has officially partnered with the Antichrist! Continue reading
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I’m not sure how it happens, but when I get a hunch about somebody I’m often right. Jamie Stuart Richardson is the co-founder of Vancouver Cop Watch- or, the tail that was barking as i mentioned in my story. Jamie was responsible for some of Cop Watch’s more distasteful messages like this one he posted in reaction the the arrests at the Vancouver Casseroles:

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Winnie Ng – Ryerson Prof & Collaborator with Judy Rebick!
I wrote about Winnie Ng’s connection with con-artist Kevin Annett a couple of months ago. Well, I was doing some research tonight and I found a tighter connection. Here’s a video of professor Lynn Lavallee reading a letter from Winnie- praising Kevin Annett and his ‘good’ work. Winnie Ng is the CAW-Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy.
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